Movies/Videos on Conspiracy theories

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!
I would like to watch some movies/videos on various conspiracy theories or mysteries. It can be on any topic.Kindly list these here.
I have seen the following movies:-
[1] Loose change
[2] Fahrenheit 9/11--Micheal Moore
[3] The great global warming swindle
[4] Moon landing hoax

Please add to the list.
[5] Inside Man (Bank robbery)

[6] XIII-The Conspiracy Series (president killing)

both are movies.
Isn't Inside man a movie? I remember it has AR Rahman's music at the very beginning. "Chaiya chaiya" if I am not mistaken.
sunny27 said:
Isn't Inside man a movie? I remember it has AR Rahman's music at the very beginning. "Chaiya chaiya" if I am not mistaken.
Yah right. In the very beginning as well as in the end though its punjabi mixed version.
I've watched An Inconvenient Truth. Are there any other interesting conspiracy theory videos/movies on any subject/topic?
supersize me , food inc, chariots of the gods series ,

although i wonder if these are actually conspiracy theories
Whatever happened to the 2012 world ending conspiracy theories. They just suddenly died. Even India TV has stopped airing content on that subject. :P To say the least, it was entertaining reading/watching that crap.

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Are there some good movies/documentry/ reading material on secret societies like illuminati, that stuff is interesting.
I will strongly recommend u " PRISON BREAK " all seasons.

Man if u never seen this, then u never seen anything.....I told u....
kochukhwa said:
I will strongly recommend u " PRISON BREAK " all seasons.

Man if u never seen this, then u never seen anything.....I told u....

Blue Gold: World Water Wars

The Future of Food

The Corporation

Did Jesus Die on The Cross

Nostradamus Effect

Zietgiest trilogy

The 11th Hour

Endgame - Blueprint For Global Enslavement

sunny27 said:
I would like to watch some movies/videos on various conspiracy theories or mysteries. It can be on any topic.Kindly list these here.
I have seen the following movies:-
[1] Loose change
[2] Fahrenheit 9/11--Micheal Moore
[3] The great global warming swindle
[4] Moon landing hoax

Please add to the list.

Is this for entertainment purposes ?

There's only two out of that list that qualifies as CT [1] & [4]. The rest are just skewed political propaganda.

Otherwise its a god awful waste of time.

Look up anything by Alex jones or Zaid Hamid. Elements of truth (the hooks to roll you in) peppered with garbage or just a very vivid imagination. This is the MO of any CT. CT thrives whenever there is a scarcity of information or lack of verifiable data.

Zeitgeist & its sequel.

Repeat any of this among more informed ppl.and you'll be taken for an utter idiot or better, if you find ppl agree with you then you know who the idiots are. This could be a good test to help you seperate out the clued from the clueless among your peers. The ones that read and can think for themselves vice those that want to be spoon fed. :devil:

Did i mention this is a god awful waste of your time :)
Taxi to the Dark Side

Standard Operating Procedure

both are good documentaries - shows the ill treatment of prisoners in USA's war against terror in abhu gharib and guantanamo bay prisons.

9/11 - press for truth--this documentary provides mores in depth analysis of events pre - and post 9/11 and also clearly outlines pakistan's role.
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