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  1. D

    Suggest In Ear phones for gymming

    So I just broke 2 pairs of EP630's in 2 days flat :@:huh: Need some suggestions on good IEM's with solid build quality to hit the gym with. Max Budget is 1.5k. Does any one know whether Sound Magic PL-30 are any good while hitting the gym; main criterion being as comfy to wear as EP-630's. Or...
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    Self improvement: Increase your concentration in a meeting

    hehe, just sent the Tips by Spacescreamer to the entire team. Forgot that a few "aunties" were there in the team. Waiting for the bashing by manager any moment now.
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    CPU/Mobo An entire computer on a PCI card!!

    ^^ Consider it as an addon to your current system. Say a person needs more raw power, they can simply plug it in without need of a total upgrade. But I guess this is not the real use of this. I am seeing infinite possibilities in Embedded systems where in we can just plug it into a PCIE Slot...
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    Air India Baggage Query

    Yes, Laptop bag can be carried over and above the hand baggage. They usually don't fuss over it.
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    ~ The Mobile Phone Advisor ~

    Can anyone suggest the cheapest phone available which can sync contacts i.e. the address book with a PC. I Need to transfer contacts from my existing Nokia 6233 to a new el-cheapho model
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    SNR ratio not ideal on BSNL??

    Sorry for going a little OT but wasnt the BSNL NU 500C plan for 6 hours (2-8 AM). Did they change it?
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    Anyone stays in whitefield, near Hope Farm?

    No one stays in whitefield :(
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    English TV series discussion

    Re: Please suggest an english TV series Finished watching The Big Bang Theory a few days ago. Couldn't stop laughing the whole time. A must for anyone who understands a bit of science.
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    Anyone stays in whitefield, near Hope Farm?

    Hehe, thats one of the good things about that place :D
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    Anyone stays in whitefield, near Hope Farm?

    Hi all Was planning to move in Whitefield, near the Hope Farm Junction, particularly near the Whitefield Police station. Needed some info about the area. Does anyone from TE stay there? Cheers :hap2:
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    Really Urgent : Where do I buy zip ties in Delhi

    Need some help guys. I need about 1500 zipties by tommorrow morning. Does any one know where I can buy them in Delhi especially in and around Rohini. Any help will be really really appreciated. Cheers Deepak
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    Reliance broadband in Bangalore

    Same question as above, need to ditch that sh**y airtel connection.
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    FS: Eveready AA/AAA Charger + 2 x 2100mAh Kodak AA Batteries - Price Dropped

    If mutant backs out, will probably take the Sandisk sansa clip 2GB.
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    uTorrent query: Will the download resume after a reinstall of OS?

    Before formatting, follow these steps 1. Go to run. Type "%appdata%" 2. Copy the folder named "utorrent" for the above folder 3. Format system 4. Reinstall the window 5. Same as step 1. 6. Paste the earlier backed up folder in the same location 7. Install utorrent 8. Enjoy maadi
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    FS: Total Clearance

    Vnerd, me next in line for the 320 GB HDD. Will ask a friend if he needs the monitor and let you know. Is the 160GB HDD SATA or PATA? Oh and put the EEE PC on hold for me, if the price is decent i might be interested. local pickup ofcourse :)
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    Been 1 day since I got the LZ8 and broke the screen

    Who is spoiling their reputation? I simply asked what to do in such a case as I won't have any proof of sending the cam back to him.
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    Been 1 day since I got the LZ8 and broke the screen

    Guys, Just spoke to the seller, they are ready to take the camera back, inspect it. Not sure if they will replace it though. Anyways, so if I ship this thing back to him, do I open a dispute in ebay or something else? As otherwise I will not have any proof that I had shipped the cam back to...
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    Been 1 day since I got the LZ8 and broke the screen

    The problem with the seller idea is I already gave him +ve feedback and item received in ebay. What will I say to him now, certainly can't say I received it like this.
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    Been 1 day since I got the LZ8 and broke the screen

    That 1-1.2k is what I am hoping they will charge, if they say some stupid about like 3k, I'd rather buy a new one and use it as a play toy (the screen is half damaged, upper half u can't see anything, bottom half colors are not coming correctly but its still ok. Images can still be clicked with...