uTorrent query: Will the download resume after a reinstall of OS?

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Guys, would appreciate some help here.

I've been downloading a torrent using uTorrent (ver. 1.8.2). Need to re-install the OS (which's Vista Ultimate).

The download's almost ~65% complete. Upon re-installation of the OS, will the download resume from 65% if the same torrent's downloaded and the previous download location's chosen?

(Its a 4.73GB MKV file and is downloaded from HD-Bits. JFYI.)
Ratio stats? U mean for the downloaded torrent? Never mind if thats the case, since there's hardly any seeding. :P

But I guess ratio for my profile under HD-Bits remains same?

Thanx for the replies guys. :D
Before formatting, follow these steps

1. Go to run. Type "%appdata%"

2. Copy the folder named "utorrent" for the above folder

3. Format system

4. Reinstall the window

5. Same as step 1.

6. Paste the earlier backed up folder in the same location

7. Install utorrent

8. Enjoy maadi
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Super tip for guys using Utorrent:

Cut/Copy the utorrent folder from %appdata% to any drive you like. Put the utorrent.exe file in it too.

When you run utorrent from that folder, it will take settings from the same folder. So no matter where you keep the folder, as long as the settings.dat, etc files are present along with the application you can pause and resume on any disk so long as the paths to the incomplete files are maintained.

This is because utorrent wont refer the %appdata% path anymore if it finds settings in its same folder.

Best option is to keep utorrent folder on another partition rather than on the os partition.
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6pack said:
Super tip for guys using Utorrent:

Cut/Copy the utorrent folder from %appdata% to any drive you like. Put the utorrent.exe file in it too.
When you run utorrent from that folder, it will take settings from the same folder. So no matter where you keep the folder, as long as the settings.dat, etc files are present along with the application you can pause and resume on any disk so long as the paths to the incomplete files are maintained.
This is because utorrent wont refer the %appdata% path anymore if it finds settings in its same folder.
Best option is to keep utorrent folder on another partition rather than on the os partition.

Hey, i did not knoe that! Thanks for the tip. Will save 5 minutes from every post-setup config now :hap2:
Make sure you retain the torrent file (the one ur downloading)....or download one if you don't have.
and the file ur downloading, intact (65% one with the folder)

After you install the windows.....and u torrent...

open the torrent file told above and in the target location point to the half completed file's folder (65%) and click OK

Now, utorrent will check the downloaded status of the file for while....
(completes fast if you have fast cpu)...after which it will start downloading again where ever you left...:hap2:
6pack said:
Super tip for guys using Utorrent:
Cut/Copy the utorrent folder from %appdata% to any drive you like. Put the utorrent.exe file in it too.

When you run utorrent from that folder, it will take settings from the same folder. So no matter where you keep the folder, as long as the settings.dat, etc files are present along with the application you can pause and resume on any disk so long as the paths to the incomplete files are maintained.

This is because utorrent wont refer the %appdata% path anymore if it finds settings in its same folder.

Best option is to keep utorrent folder on another partition rather than on the os partition.

in fact if you copy your entire appdata folder,..you wont need to do any of the post install configurations in any of the applications you use. even all the bookmarks,extensions in firefox,chat logs in msn,yahoo etc will remain intact.
Deepak said:
Before formatting, follow these steps

1. Go to run. Type "%appdata%"
2. Copy the folder named "utorrent" for the above folder
3. Format system
4. Reinstall the window
5. Same as step 1.
6. Paste the earlier backed up folder in the same location
7. Install utorrent
8. Enjoy maadi

follow these steps and you will have all your settings and ratio stats in utorrent just the way tit was before reinstall.
Didn't check the thread for a while. :P

Deepak said:
Before formatting, follow these steps

1. Go to run. Type "%appdata%"

2. Copy the folder named "utorrent" for the above folder

3. Format system

4. Reinstall the window

5. Same as step 1.

6. Paste the earlier backed up folder in the same location

7. Install utorrent

8. Enjoy maadi

Thanx a ton Deepak. Reps. :D

6pack said:
Super tip for guys using Utorrent:

Cut/Copy the utorrent folder from %appdata% to any drive you like. Put the utorrent.exe file in it too.

When you run utorrent from that folder, it will take settings from the same folder. So no matter where you keep the folder, as long as the settings.dat, etc files are present along with the application you can pause and resume on any disk so long as the paths to the incomplete files are maintained.

This is because utorrent wont refer the %appdata% path anymore if it finds settings in its same folder.

Best option is to keep utorrent folder on another partition rather than on the os partition.

Thanx. :)

=CrAzYG33K= said:
Gunman, what made you think you couldn't resume the download in the first place ? :D

I wanted a confirmation in the first place. :ashamed:
Yeah...those tips were really nice...few of them I knew...but that appdata stufff I didnt know.that shall really help thanks...
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