Search results

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    Budget phone Nokia 100 or Nokia 1280 or Samsung E1220 for mother

    @guptavis, do not go for samsung entry range phones. The UI is just horrible. Better than X1-01 I will suggest the C1-01, the voice issue is not as prevalent and it runs on S40 UI which is miles ahead of the UI on X1-01 (same as Nokia 100)
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    FS: Mobile Red AT&T Samsung Galaxy S3 - Like new - 30.5k shipped

    @vasim21 No offence but if you felt that you had to highlight that this is a dual core version, then please also highlight how how it performs against the quad core that ships with the International S3. PS: I am not interested in the S3 and not interested in the sale, just had to reply so that...
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    Budget phone Nokia 100 or Nokia 1280 or Samsung E1220 for mother

    Get the Nokia 100 or the Nokia C1-01. Samsung interface will not be that intuitive to use. The Nokia 100 has one disadvantage though. The earphone is about as loud as the loudspeaker on low volume. So the person standing near you can listen to pretty much what the person on the other side is...
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    How is the Ainol Aurora II tablet?

    @aniket.cain you didn't get charged any duty on this?
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    Samsung Threatens Indian Bloggers In Berlin : Promote Products Or Go Home On Your Own

    Well the sad matter of the truth is that it is the arrogant behavior of Samsung India marketing manager and the social media PR agency which have led Samsung to this mess. The sad part is even though this happened, Samsung International (the one which makes phones) does do a good job of it. Does...
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    Samsung Threatens Indian Bloggers In Berlin : Promote Products Or Go Home On Your Own

    I wonder what would have happened if CJ had approached the Indian embassy in Germany saying that the people who sponsored their tickets are doing this.
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    Samsung Threatens Indian Bloggers In Berlin : Promote Products Or Go Home On Your Own

    This is indeed saddening. I know some of the people involved and it is very sad to hear that the Samsung representatives went to such tactics to force their point. Many people argue that since these bloggers went on Samsung's dime they should have agreed to becoming a "promoter". The simple fact...
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    FS: MP3 Player Sandisk Sansa Clip 2 GB

    Bumpy bump says bump up!!
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    FS: MP3 Player Sandisk Sansa Clip 2 GB

    Bump. The price is negotiable guys.
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    FS: MP3 Player Sandisk Sansa Clip 2 GB

    Product Name: Sansa Clip 2 GB Expected Price: Rs 700 shipped from Rs 800 shipped from Rs 1000 shipped Shipping charges: At actuals Manufacturer page URL: Sansa Clip Review – MP3 Player Reviews Description if any: See below Reason for Sale: Already have 2 more that I use. Product condition: 6...
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    Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus

    I was talking about SNS + VPN + Google Wallet. It should work unless they specifically dont allow Indian CC to buy Nexus devices. My Google Wallet already has my Indian CC there and I could go as far as the check out. Didnt push the final button ofcourse :)
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    XAGE M900 FORCE with 3600 mAh battery and dual SIM launched for Rs. 2599

    Can we sync contacts via some PC software on this. If so, this would be so so awesome.
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    Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus

    You should be able to use a VPN as well. Let me know if someone wants to go via that route from Bangalore. I can use my office US VPN :P I so wanted to pick this up but got a 10 month old S2 @ 17k. So got that instead :D
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    Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus

    @mpaspc Can you ask your friend which shop in the market?
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    FS: Mobile For Sale Samsung Batteries and More

    @akshayp really hard to say since the only test I did was video playback. But like I said, expect an theoretical improvement of around 10%.
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    FS: Mobile For Sale Samsung Batteries and More

    @akshayp, yep it will fit. In video playback, I got about 8.5 hours with the 1650 one compared to 1500 which gave 7.5 hours or so. This was with cell signal off and wifi off. Technically, you should get an improvement of 10% over the 1500 mAh battery (1650-1500/150) * 100 percent.
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    FS: Mobile For Sale Samsung Batteries and More

    Captivate and Vibrant use the same battery (1500 mAh, same model number) as Galaxy S I9000 which was launched in India. Heck even the I9003 (1650 mAh) battery fits into all three sets. No idea about Focus though. But if the op says that the Captivate battery fits Focus then it has to be the...