Samsung Threatens Indian Bloggers In Berlin : Promote Products Or Go Home On Your Own

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Samsung is facing heavy criticism having invited two bloggers from India for IFA event in Berlin , and after that refusing them return air tickets unless they promote Samsung at the event .

Samsung reportedly invited some mobile bloggers from India and offered them to fly to the IFA conference . One of the bloggers , Clinton Jeff from New Delhi said that he made it clear that he will attend the event as a reporter and was only expected to do certain promotional activities under the Samsung Mob!lers program .

After arriving at Berlin , they were asked to do activities which were not part of the original understanding , like wearing Samsung uniform .


A quote from one of the blogger says

"We got a call from Samsung India saying 'You can either be a part of this and wear the uniform, or you'll have to get your own tickets back home and handle your hotel stay from the moment this call ends...

A few minutes later, we got a call from the Samsung India guy who said that our flights on the 6th have been cancelled, and that they're bringing us back on the 1st instead. But this is only if, and only if, we agreed to wear atleast the samsung branded shirt at the unpacked event, and not blog about any of this incident.

"None of this should leave Berlin. Or Reach India"

After the story was published on the web , Samsung has issued a statement expressing its regret and saying that it was a “misunderstanding” between the two Indian bloggers and its Mob!lers coordinators, stating that meant they were “not sufficiently briefed on the nature of Samsung Mob!lers’ activities at IFA 2012.”

This is indeed saddening. I know some of the people involved and it is very sad to hear that the Samsung representatives went to such tactics to force their point. Many people argue that since these bloggers went on Samsung's dime they should have agreed to becoming a "promoter". The simple fact of the matter is that this is a moot point. Samsung sent these people there knowing that Clinton Jeff had agreed to be a "reporter". Saying "Find your own hotel and tickets" after flying them to Berlin is the issue here, not the fact that they should have become Samsung reps or not.
I wonder what would have happened if CJ had approached the Indian embassy in Germany saying that the people who sponsored their tickets are doing this.
I doubt the embassy would do anything as it isn't a diplomatic issue. Purely monetary + business agreement.
Problem is with Samsung's India coordinator who acted like an ass. Just because they sponsored the plane tickets doesn't mean they bought the person and expect them to do whatever they wish. I don't know what they teach in IIM's or business schools here. Every manager acts great like they own the employees or people working below them. No lesson in humility i guess or probably that subject isn't even taught.
From what I read Nokia swooped in and provided those 2 bloggers a hotel room and also assured them to provide tickets back home.
yes now nokia has offered them stay till 6th and return ticket :)

and the guy owns a nokia pureview , i read on his blog :lol:
Wow you have to give props to Nokia. People who brought them there abandoned them, Nokia would have no business pitching in and it would have created a bigger uproar. Thats what I call a decent company. Samsung deserves to burn. I hope another few like apple win multi billion dollar suites against them.
Wow you have to give props to Nokia. People who brought them there abandoned them, Nokia would have no business pitching in and it would have created a bigger uproar. Thats what I call a decent company. Samsung deserves to burn. I hope another few like apple win multi billion dollar suites against them.

lets not bring in the law suits filed by Apple here as they are the better jokers among the lot - my dabba design copied, my market got screwed.. mommy i wanna sue them all and dont want a competition as i know i fail..

This is purely an ill treatment towards the guests who were invited for a particular task.. The truth/rumor can be differentiated only by the people who were actually involved.. Things getting blown away out of proportion is nothing new to us.. are they??

PS:: No offense meant to anyone in person and am just trying to separate two different things which arent making any sense together
Sure, this is bad PR for Samsung, but it really is despicable behaviour from some marketing folks (who should be fired) and should not reflect on some cool technology built by the designers and engineers.
if apple had done this, they do be absolutely hammered on this forum.For some reason,there is a lovey dovey atmosphere about Samsung between folks around here.
Reverting back to the topic,i find the behavior drastically cheap and of course its bad PR for the samsung brand as a whole but certain folks of Samsung India division need to be punished ASAP.
From what I understand of this situation, its the stupid or arrogantly ignorant SAMSUNG-INDIA representatives (infact typical Indian managers) deed not the entire Samsung
From what I understand of this situation, its the stupid or arrogantly ignorant SAMSUNG-INDIA representatives (infact typical Indian managers) deed not the entire Samsung

You might be right but at least here the Samsung Indian managers are the face of Samsung in India so they do represent the company.
lets not bring in the law suits filed by Apple here as they are the better jokers among the lot - my dabba design copied, my market got screwed.. mommy i wanna sue them all and dont want a competition as i know i fail..

This is purely an ill treatment towards the guests who were invited for a particular task.. The truth/rumor can be differentiated only by the people who were actually involved.. Things getting blown away out of proportion is nothing new to us.. are they??

PS:: No offense meant to anyone in person and am just trying to separate two different things which arent making any sense together

Im sorry was samsung not involved in both? Arent both of them a good metric to evaluate how shady samsung is?
Im no apple lover but this is downright despicable behaviour. I've met the said blogger and im pretty sure that nothing else transpired. Besides they ahve plenty evidence if you didnt notice.

Wonder why all the Samsung love over here? Since when did hating apple translate to loving a cheapass company with a cheapass culture.
Well the sad matter of the truth is that it is the arrogant behavior of Samsung India marketing manager and the social media PR agency which have led Samsung to this mess. The sad part is even though this happened, Samsung International (the one which makes phones) does do a good job of it. Does it ruin my faith in Samsung, no. Does it ruin my faith in Samsung India, yes.
At the end of the day, whatever happened, a threat from someone in Samsung or an affiliated agency means a threat from Samsung and it is thus my humble opinion that they deserve every bit of bashing they are getting right now. Maybe this would imbibe some humility in these managers.
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