Search results

  1. shadow747

    DeskPC Build

    Keyboard will be kept on the table or slider will be present for this and mouse ? And any router or modem to place on table
  2. shadow747

    Graphic Cards Upgraded to 980 ti from HD5970

    Congrats..ultra HD gaming :)
  3. shadow747

    Windows Windows 10 free upgrade

    Check drivers related to windows 10 on lenovo site for your laptop and update chipset and audio drivers. This may solve your issue.
  4. shadow747

    Windows Windows 10 free upgrade

    You can enable only local mode. If you have multiple PC in your lan than this may save some bandwidth as not all full updates downloaded from Microsoft site and some part can come from your other computers.
  5. shadow747

    Windows Windows 10 free upgrade

    No particular reason to disable updates unless drivers start crashing or GPU performance hampered but in that case Microsoft has a utility available that makes particular update hidden and windows doesn't auto download and install that update. Useful if want to keep old stable drivers for your...
  6. shadow747

    FS: RAM Corsair 4gb xms3 for sale [SOLD]

    Please close thread.
  7. shadow747

    Windows Windows 10 free upgrade

    But is it not in user hands ? Stop Cortana, location settings, use local administrator account, stop syncing of data with one drive etc.
  8. shadow747

    Storage Solutions Mismatch in size between two 8gb SD card for copying OSMC

    Try to make backup by using backup program by booting into osmc with old card and then fresh install on new card and restore from that. This may work as various programs available to restore xbmc or osmc etc data.
  9. shadow747

    Storage Solutions Mismatch in size between two 8gb SD card for copying OSMC

    Osmc utility formats the card and makes it ready for use and size shown in windows can show different size than it actually is. Try fresh install from osmc application
  10. shadow747

    Graphic Cards Connected PC to TV but no sound.. plz help

    If the card don't have HDMI or your motherboard don't have HDMI then you need to connect PC with external speakers to get audio.
  11. shadow747

    AC Routers-Need Help in Buying?

    Asus ac 68u also a good competitor for Netgear and has great reviews
  12. shadow747

    FS: RAM Corsair 4gb xms3 for sale [SOLD]

    Product delivered. Feedback awaited.
  13. shadow747

    Windows Windows 10 free upgrade

    Was this icon present on desktop before upgrade and migrated due to keep settings option
  14. shadow747

    FS: RAM Corsair 4gb xms3 for sale [SOLD]

    Dispatched and details shared.
  15. shadow747

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Congrats :) and do post a review of TV as I guess sony first big manufacture to launch android TV.
  16. shadow747

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    @toxicdrift do these robots really clean house perfectly and what about after sales services. How's the experience