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    0-20k Need a 24 hour download rig(Just for Downloads)

    Thanks guys But I have tried iball It heats up super fast and is not worth it(hangs most of time and is very difficult to operate,due to screen size) plus steam client and games do not work Have raspberry pi and use it for torrent downloader My main concern is for downloading steam games since...
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    0-20k Need a 24 hour download rig(Just for Downloads)

    Adding these 1.Power consumption must be minimum 2.24 hours operation 3.10k includes ram+hdd+mobo+cpu+chasis 4.Should not overheat 5.Mini itx preferred
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    0-20k Need a 24 hour download rig(Just for Downloads)

    Questions What is your budget? 10K What is your intended use for this PC/hardware Download rig, 24x7 operation.Power consumption must be minimum Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike. Nothing Are you looking to overclock...
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    FS: Games Splinter Cell Blacklist and Tomb raider

    bump both are still up for sale
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    FS: Games Splinter Cell Blacklist and Tomb raider

    yep its sealed Can give you a code Pm sent
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    90K+ Gaming + video editing rig

    if you are video editing add another 8gigs of ram in dual channel mode
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    CPU/Mobo i3 i5 suggestion

    Yeah I know Didnt find any 43XX series
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    CPU/Mobo i3 i5 suggestion

    okie so i5 4460 then Btw @Crapmypants where to buy i3 43xx series ?? Local compooter wala has no idea
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    eBay India - Coupons & Deals

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    0-20k Cheap HDMI monitor I got from this seller Target Computers-HYD-MANDAL-VOI But looks like he has jacked up the price by 200 bucks
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    0-20k Queries around upgrading ram

    Same manufacture ram sticks and speeds are recommended for best hassle free optimal performances It will get downgraded to 1333mhz
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    0-20k GPU upgrade suggestions (VFM + Badass)

    If you could stretch your budget for 5k more get gtx 970 4gb Ultimate VFM Also if you are getting the 960 go for 2 gb ver No need for 4gb one
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    0-20k Queries around upgrading ram

    It supports upto 12GB of DDR3-1333MHz memory. If you are making a 3*4gb make sure you get the same ram which you have now
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    0-20k Cheap HDMI monitor

    Its been replaced by S2216h Best monitor/price at 8k Been using it for a month now
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    HELP shipping

    Guys I need to ship my ps3 console from Kolkata to Tamil Nadu I was hoping could anyone guide me on which courier to use at the best possible price??
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    Flipkart deals

    ^^Missed Ps4 500gb @28k on app and 26.5k if you have sbi DC/CC card Best offer
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    eBay India - Coupons & Deals

    Ebay Seller is under seller protection buyer is under buyer protection Ebay pays the loss