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    FS: Cabinets Cooler Master HAF X

    Dont want to spoil the thread Btw Ridiculous pricing for a 2 year old cabinet New ones cost 17k even a 8% coupon will get you at 15.7k and that too an imported one.Locally it should cost even less
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    41-50k New All Purpose Rig

    Why not a skylake build?? Haswell is already at the end of life now OP wont get any resale of upgrade if he wishes to do that in future
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    PC Peripherals [Troubleshooting] How to connect PC case fans?

    Didnt see this thread earlier Get this Cheap way to add extra fans plus its sold by official channelOr if you can spend more this...
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    How should i deal with people?

    Bench press 300 times build muscles then knock his teeth out Show them who the daddy is On serious note ignore Just act glum when you hear his jokes eventually it will die off when they find it has no effect on you
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    WTB 500-600 watts psu

    Have seasonic sealed 620 w m12II evo edition
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    FS: Games Rise of Tomb raider Steam Key

    Guys please dont troll or spoil my thread If you want to negotiate use pmJust a heads up this code is valid till 16th So its up for sale till 15th midnight If I dont get a decent offer by then will use it for myself
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    FS: Games Rise of Tomb raider Steam Key

    Rise of Tomb raider Steam Key that was got from purchase of Zotac gtx 970 Attached are the screenshot of the email.
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    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Seasonic M12II Evo + Corsair Fans SP 140mm Sealed

    Payment received and fan shipped Bump for fan and psu
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    Fake Controllers? Worth the Pain or not?

    Original fakes die after 1-1.5 years
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    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Seasonic M12II Evo + Corsair Fans SP 140mm Sealed

    Koi gal nahi bhai .Its cool no issues I know what you are talking about (okay enterprises :p) Too bad I didnt get the items, where some guy got it just for making profit :(
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    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Seasonic M12II Evo + Corsair Fans SP 140mm Sealed

    Are guys go easy on me :p Anyways if mod bhaiya says to post invoice will do so no questions asked. Just give me few hours to upload Will have it by afternoon @iPwnz Sorry it had offended you in any ways just wait for sometime you will have the invoice up :) I wasn't comfortable sharing my...
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    FS: Power Cooling and Modding Seasonic M12II Evo + Corsair Fans SP 140mm Sealed

    For Sale the Following items 1.SEASONIC M12II EVO 620W MODULAR POWER SUPPLY 80+ BRONZE Expected Price - Rs 6200/- Condition - Brand New Sealed Shipping - 50-50(Since its a heavy item) 2.Corsair Air Series SP 140 LED Red High Static Pressure Fan Cooling Expected price - Rs 1,000/- (Only one...
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    Career graph is going bad , need advice from older people :'(

    Well good news is with the help of my brother in law I convinced my parents to temporary halt looking for girls few days back Partying from last 2 days Like seriously who the heck marries at 25??
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    Career graph is going bad , need advice from older people :'(

    @iPwnz Sorry man cant leave parents All my success is because of their sacrifice so cant abandon them now when they need me Yeah some of my older friends said the same thing