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    PC Peripherals Small, low power download rig/development server...

    I am looking to build a cheap download rig cum occasional development server. I was going through all the posts with suggestions for download rigs and I could not find anybody who is hosting a development environment along with file/media server. Basically, I need to know if Atom 330 is capable...
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    Payment for Accelero confirmed. Accelero sold to sato1986.
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    iphone app development

    for iPhone Development, you need to learn Objective C.
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    iphone app development

    Sorry to revive the 6 months old thread. I have an iPhone 3G and I always wanted to develop for a mobile platform. I know Objective C a bit. I don't have mac at home but, I have it at my workplace. Does any of you guys have experience with iPhone development on VMWare? Thinking of getting OS X...
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    Awaiting payment for Accelero from sato1986.
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    Duck Tales in Hindi?

    Yeah, it's my one of the favorites. I'd be interested, too. :ohyeah:
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    Price drop.. Accelero is available for 800/- shipped.
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    Online Sites Delivering to India and Related Issues

    I ordered a cell phone from eBay US about a month ago. I received a letter from Customs a week back. I went to B'lore and presented the mentioned documents. The customs officer said duties will be applied and the package will be delivered to my address. Now waiting for the shipment to reach.
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

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    [FS] Thermal tapes

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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    HD4850 sold to ! 0 t A. Payment received. Will be shipping it today. Accelero and Thermal tapes are still available.
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    @anupkumarroy Yes, the card is sold to ! 0 t A. Payment is done and waiting the amount to be reflected in my account. Thanks for your interest, though.
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    FS: Htc Tytn II+8gb Card+Ep630+Motorola H500

    Well, I would be interested but, I am currently a little bit low on Vitamin M. If this is available till I sold my gfx card as well as iPhone, I will definitely get this. It's a sweet deal :)
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    Accelero on hold for Dark Messiah
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    @nightwing892001 no actually, suddenly it started displaying white dots all over the screen while booting. I could neither find reason nor solution. So, I sent it for warranty.
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    Price revised. Now HD4850 is 5900/- shipped and Accelero is 850/- shipped.
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    @mib2_007 eBay listing will cost me fees and eventually I will end up selling it around 5k only. That is not I want. If I would have to sell it for 5k, I rather keep it. Anyway, i am thinking of withdrawing this sale. Will sell the backup 8500GT instead. Thanks for the advice, though. :D
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    @RoBoGhOsT: Looking to shift to 4770 crossfire mostly because of Power consumption. MX-2 sold to yaju13385. Payment received. Will be shipping it by today evening.
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    [FS] Thermal tapes

    Cheaper than this? I rather use it with 4770 in CF mode instead of getting two of them...