Search results

  1. I

    Has demoniod been blocked?

    Even from MTNL its not accessible, but can access it using proxy..............
  2. I

    Demonoid blocked BSNL IPs again?

    Even on MTNL, its not working......... :(
  3. I

    Yahoo Messenger 9.0 Beta

    ^^^Million dollar question and even yahoo does not have an answer for that......... :( Everyone's waiting for it (YM for Vista version) since almost a year now..........
  4. I

    Black Cats Halloween Bonanza ...

    I did complete full procedure with same IP but the link gives me 404, Not Found error, I even tried copy pasting the link, tried IE also but same message............ :(
  5. I

    Black Cats Halloween Bonanza ...

    Registered but the Registration Confirmation link does not work: Not Found (404) :(
  6. I

    Yahoo Messenger 9.0 Beta

    This comes in as a surprise, I thought they would release the much awaited Yahoo! Messenger for Vista before another Yahoo! Messenger version..................
  7. I

    Deepika Padukone Wallpapers ...

    I agree, even I dont like her..............she is just so ok ok...............Don't understand why peeps like her so much......:no:
  8. I

    FS:120 GB External Hard Disk

    ^^^You can bump ur sale thread only once in 24hrs............Read the Rules! :)
  9. I

    Windows Vista Run with Zero RAM

    I agree Vista is Faster and smoother than XP but its the compatibility with other applications and some hardware is still an issue nearing resolution though.....
  10. I

    Vista OS invisible

    Follow this guide, In ur case, scroll down & Read from Restoring Vista and dual booting: How to dual boot Vista and XP (with Vista installed first) -- the step-by-step guide | APC Magazine IMO, EasyBCD is BEST application compared to VistaBootPro! :)
  11. I

    Leadtek 7950 GX2 1Gb

    Yes u can close ur own thread, this is how u do it: 1) Click on iTrader dropdown 2) Click on My Market Watch Hope it helps... :)
  12. I

    FS:CORSAIR ValueSelect 1GB (2 x 512MB) DDR 400 Dual Channel Kit

    ^^^Oh Bikey, u are a super cool person, Thanks, I thought of getting another 512 later but RI's deal is too good to resist................. I have PM'ed RI for it, if we have a deal for d RAM, then I will have to back out from ur deal.............. Sorry dude! :sorry:
  13. I

    FS:CORSAIR ValueSelect 1GB (2 x 512MB) DDR 400 Dual Channel Kit

    Awesome deal, I would have taken it, if I would not have had committed to Bikey.........
  14. I

    Laptops Laptop Prices at Lammy

    Good Effort, repped ya! :)
  15. I

    Garage sale- 1': VF700, X800GTO2, 512MB RAM

    Sir Sir Sir, its Imranais.....:P Ya, I am on hold for the RAM! :rofl:
  16. I

    Mobile shop name?

    My Suggestion: Cell-Phonica, The Cell Store!
  17. I

    FS: Enermax 435watt Power Supply (20pin)

    I am sure u meant First week of November, since first week of October has already passed longback! :)
  18. I

    WTB: Motherboard for Socket P III 933 MHz

    Sent u PM, plz respond! Thanks! :)
  19. I

    P3 - Complete system

    ^^^Sorry dude, have to back out since I am picking this up from Shotgun today ( Sorry again................. :(
  20. I

    P3 - Complete system

    Interested without monitor, let me know the best price!