Vista OS invisible

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Good day to all !
my problem: Yesterday i had completly formatted harddisk to install vista OS in c drive. The installation was successful. Everything was fine & update of vista was also fine. Some of my hardwares like were not compatible with vista. so i decided to install winxp. Then rebooted pc & placed winxp for fresh installation. In the d drive i had installed winxp os. After installation part, when i rebooted the system, winxp os started. i'm unable to see vista os and there is no dual boot screen nor when i checked the entries in bootloader there isn't vista. It's invisible. now how do i get dual boot screen?

Pls give me a suitable advice. Thanks.

Yours Teenu :)
i downloaded vistaboot pro. It asked for net framework tool which i downloaded from microsoft site.

After installtion of vistaboot pro, i'm confused how to make settings?

could you friends guide me?:huh:

first, go to this screen in vista boot pro to backup your existing boot configuration.


then select a path to save the file.


go here


and select the "Add new OS entry". then give a name (for example "Vista"). Then select Vista from the menu (legacy means, XP or older). Then select the drive on which vista is installed.

Click "apply updates" and vista should come up in the list on the same screen.

Thats all!
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