Search results

  1. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming rig advice

    Well i want to do gaming and other work both... If i am not gaming i will be running bots so which processor will be better? i5 + Asrock Z77 Ex4 = around 24k [] whereas FX8350 +Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 = 19k ; So is it worth the 5k more ? Also please mention a psu for 650w with 80+...
  2. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming rig advice

    1. So i5 3570k + mobo is around 5-6k more expensive than FX 8350 + the mobo u suggested Can you calculate my power based on OC'ing FX 8350 by 200mhz [ I am newb/new to OCing so i dont know all the required feilds to enter] 2. But a 7870costs 16.5k whereas the gtx equivalent [660ti] is 20k and...
  3. ACidBaseD

    PC Peripherals Bought in US - Warranty claims?

    I think you cant claim the warranty in india especially if he is buying from retailers like
  4. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming rig advice

    Thanks for the input people, but i still need some more help! I dont want to play games only, i also want to run 8-10 Runescape bots 12-20hrs a day for 365days for which i need 8gb ram [800mb ram consumption per bot] and a processor with lesser power consumption [i.e i5 3570k compared to FX...
  5. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming rig advice

    Asus HD 7790 ? That surely wont run the game's i want to play. Also please mention the price of your build. Thank you.
  6. ACidBaseD

    41-50k Need gaming rig advice

    Hello people, just found out this site and here's my first post Just finished 12th so i am looking forward to buy my own gaming rig :D My dad gave me a budget of 40k but i am sure he will extend it to 45k and also ill ask some from sis/mom :p so max is 50-52k What is your budget? 50k What is...