41-50k Need gaming rig advice

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Hello people, just found out this site and here's my first post
Just finished 12th so i am looking forward to buy my own gaming rig :D
My dad gave me a budget of 40k but i am sure he will extend it to 45k and also ill ask some from sis/mom :p so max is 50-52k
  1. What is your budget?
    • 50k
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Amd athlon x2
    • Motherboard - Asus m2a vm
    • GPU - None
    • RAM - 1gb ram
    • Monitor - VIEWSONIC VA1912WB
    • SMPS - idk
    • It's a shitty 6-7 year old computer
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - VIEWSONIC VA1912WB
    • I have 160gb hardisk but its quite old so i am not sure if i can use it or not
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Confused between Intel i5 3750k vs AMD fx 8350
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard [preferably cheap to stay in budget]
    • GPU - Deciding between AMD 7870, AMD 7950 and GTX 660ti
    • Cheap and reliable 2x4GB RAM
    • Need advice to get a reliable yet cheap 120gb SSD [To store OS + Steam + Google chrome and 1 current game which i am playing]
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, will upgrade the following within 1-3years [if i feel the need to upgrade]
    • CPU- if i get the i5, ill upgrade to i7 [unfortunately cant get haswell/broadwell because of change to 1150] if i get the FX8350 i might upgrade to the next gen amd cpu as mobo slot will remain same
    • Cabinet - Might change not sure
    • RAM- if i get i7 i will get 16gb ram
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai [My dad's friend knows some one or else i can go to lamington road - please give me advice how to ensure that what i buy from there would be orginal and the bill provided for warranty will be valid]
    • Not sure if online purchase is safe
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • NO
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Games like Crysis3, bf3 and later on bf4, dota 2, running 8-10 runescape bots 24x7 [when not doing anything else]
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • Download rig, 24x7 operation
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • Not sure, please tell me which companies provide good servicing in mumbai and which dont
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - Civilization 4
    • Online- BF3,Dota2,WOW,8-10 runescape bots
    • fps - crysis3 , BF3 BF4
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1440x900
    2. Desktop - 1440x900
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Mostly yes after a year
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 8 64bit
    • Linux - Ubuntu
Is a good case important?? because if it just for looks[not very effective] i am not going to buy any expensive case [just buy a cheap 1000Rs case available at a local store]
FX 8350
Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0
Corsair Vengeance 8 GB 1600 MHz
Seasonic S12II 520W
Asus HD7790
NZXT Gamma Cabinet
Logitech MK200
Samsung 840series 120gb ssd

This is my recommended config. Let other members post their opinions.

I say u avoid ssd and invest that money in better gpu. Crysis 3 & Bf3 are very graphical intense games. Even my gtx 670 suffers when in 1080p. :-)
FX 8350
Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0
Corsair Vengeance 8 GB 1600 MHz
Seasonic S12II 520W
Asus HD7790
NZXT Gamma Cabinet
Logitech MK200
Samsung 840series 120gb ssd

This is my recommended config. Let other members post their opinions.

I say u avoid ssd and invest that money in better gpu. Crysis 3 & Bf3 are very graphical intense games. Even my gtx 670 suffers when in 1080p. :)

Asus HD 7790 ? That surely wont run the game's i want to play. Also please mention the price of your build. Thank you.
Asus HD 7790 ? That surely wont run the game's i want to play. Also please mention the price of your build. Thank you.

Ur budget is very low man. Like i said before drop the ssd idea and invest that money in gpu. Around 20k-22k u will get hd7950 which can easily max games at that resolution.(ur native res)

Prices defers alot so i didnt post the prices.
Ur budget is very low man. Like i said before drop the ssd idea and invest that money in gpu. Around 20k-22k u will get hd7950 which can easily max games at that resolution.(ur native res)

Prices defers alot so i didnt post the prices.

I don't think OP needs to get a 7950 for 1440*900 resolution...I think the max he should think about is 7850,which would be able to run all games maxed out!!
Processor - AMD FX 8350 @ 11.6K
Motherboard - Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 @ 7.2K
Ram - GSkill RipjawX 4gb1600 MHz @ 2.4K
NZXT Gamma @ 2.2k
ODD - Asus 24X SATA Black DVD R/W @ 1K
SSD - Samsung 120GB SSD 840 Series @ 6.2K
PSU - Seasonic S12II 520W @3.9K
GPU - Asus HD7870 @ 16.5K

Buy a cooler later when u plan to overclock...
Thanks for the input people, but i still need some more help!
I dont want to play games only, i also want to run 8-10 Runescape bots 12-20hrs a day for 365days for which i need 8gb ram [800mb ram consumption per bot] and a processor with lesser power consumption [i.e i5 3570k compared to FX 8350] Since they only differe by around 2.5k Rs i am sure i can save that much from Intels power efficiency.
Q1. So i would like some one to suggest a good/decent/reliable yet cheap mobo with i5 3570k [which can be OC'ed]
Q2. Also can "Asus HD7870" be crossfired later on after a year or so ? If yes please check the compatibility with mobo and other parts;
Q3.Is 520W enough as the card is a bit high end so i guess it may need some more power maybe?? Also is Seasonic S12II 520W 80 plus certified? I read some where it's better to have a certified PSU;

Q4. Also which ram should i prefer Crosair Vengeance OR G.Skillripjaws [As suggested by Vincee and Sbnaul]
1. The overclockable mobos for intel processors are a bit pricey... These are some good one but they cost above 9.5k : Gigabyte G1 Sniper 3, ASUS P8Z77-VLX, Gigabyte GA-Z77MX-D3H...

2. Yes you can crossfire it... But if you are planning the same then better buy nvidia based card because of better SLI driver support...

3. The psu is 80+ Bronze certified... If you are planning on crossfire or sli then u need more power...

4. I have read at various places that the G.Skill ones are better in overclocking...
Thanks for the input people, but i still need some more help!
I dont want to play games only, i also want to run 8-10 Runescape bots 12-20hrs a day for 365days for which i need 8gb ram [800mb ram consumption per bot] and a processor with lesser power consumption [i.e i5 3570k compared to FX 8350] Since they only differe by around 2.5k Rs i am sure i can save that much from Intels power efficiency.
Q1. So i would like some one to suggest a good/decent/reliable yet cheap mobo with i5 3570k [which can be OC'ed]
Q2. Also can "Asus HD7870" be crossfired later on after a year or so ? If yes please check the compatibility with mobo and other parts;
Q3.Is 520W enough as the card is a bit high end so i guess it may need some more power maybe?? Also is Seasonic S12II 520W 80 plus certified? I read some where it's better to have a certified PSU;

Q4. Also which ram should i prefer Crosair Vengeance OR G.Skillripjaws [As suggested by Vincee and Sbnaul]

So here are my suggestion acc to ur questions

U should go with fx8350 when multitasking or any other work other than gaming and specially when ur budget is thight.

1. If ur going with i5 3570k then atleast you should get Asrock Z77 Extreme 4 mobo which is great and vfm.

2. U can cf hd7870 later and extreme4 mobo just does it like that. But i dont recommend a cf because ull suffer from micro-shuttering and all but instead ill suggest u to go for sli which is having better multicard driver support.

3. 520w is enough to juice those cards but if u want to Overclock u have to get atleast 650w psus. Seasonic sII 520 one is certified.

4. I personally recommend G.Skill because it has got good cl and dimm values and overclocks quite nicely.... :-)
1. The overclockable mobos for intel processors are a bit pricey... These are some good one but they cost above 9.5k : Gigabyte G1 Sniper 3, ASUS P8Z77-VLX, Gigabyte GA-Z77MX-D3H...

2. Yes you can crossfire it... But if you are planning the same then better buy nvidia based card because of better SLI driver support...

3. The psu is 80+ Bronze certified... If you are planning on crossfire or sli then u need more power...

4. I have read at various places that the G.Skill ones are better in overclocking...

1. So i5 3570k + mobo is around 5-6k more expensive than FX 8350 + the mobo u suggested
Can you calculate my power based on OC'ing FX 8350 by 200mhz [ I am newb/new to OCing so i dont know all the required feilds to enter]
2. But a 7870costs 16.5k whereas the gtx equivalent [660ti] is 20k and also by the time i will want to crossfire [maybe 1.5years] there will be better drivers [i hope]
3. When i try to OC/Crossfire i will upgrade the psu or please advice if it will be better to buy a better psu now ?

One more question will AMD FX8350 and Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 also support Crossfire ?
So here are my suggestion acc to ur questions

U should go with fx8350 when multitasking or any other work other than gaming and specially when ur budget is thight.

1. If ur going with i5 3570k then atleast you should get Asrock Z77 Extreme 4 mobo which is great and vfm.

2. U can cf hd7870 later and extreme4 mobo just does it like that. But i dont recommend a cf because ull suffer from micro-shuttering and all but instead ill suggest u to go for sli which is having better multicard driver support.

3. 520w is enough to juice those cards but if u want to Overclock u have to get atleast 650w psus. Seasonic sII 520 one is certified.

4. I personally recommend G.Skill because it has got good cl and dimm values and overclocks quite nicely.... :)

Well i want to do gaming and other work both... If i am not gaming i will be running bots so which processor will be better?
i5 + Asrock Z77 Ex4 = around 24k [primeabgb.com] whereas FX8350 +Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 = 19k ;
So is it worth the 5k more ?
Also please mention a psu for 650w with 80+ certificate
1. So i5 3570k + mobo is around 5-6k more expensive than FX 8350 + the mobo u suggested
Can you calculate my power based on OC'ing FX 8350 by 200mhz [ I am newb/new to OCing so i dont know all the required feilds to enter]
2. But a 7870costs 16.5k whereas the gtx equivalent [660ti] is 20k and also by the time i will want to crossfire [maybe 1.5years] there will be better drivers [i hope]
3. When i try to OC/Crossfire i will upgrade the psu or please advice if it will be better to buy a better psu now ?

One more question will AMD FX8350 and Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 also support Crossfire ?

1. Yes ull have to invest more on intel setup. But i think in multitasking they are not worth.

2. In the future we dont know what happens but if u crossfire hd7870 in 1-1.5yrs later ur crossfire setup bites the dust if u want to max out at that time.

3. Psu's are the heart of ur comp so basically buy a nice one now. And u can trust seasonic.

If u overclock to 4.2-4.3ghz ur comp needs atleast 550w so be on the safer side and buy a much better one... :-)
Well i want to do gaming and other work both... If i am not gaming i will be running bots so which processor will be better?
i5 + Asrock Z77 Ex4 = around 24k [primeabgb.com] whereas FX8350 +Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 = 19k ;
So is it worth the 5k more ?
Also please mention a psu for 650w with 80+ certificate

Fx 8350 all the way when compared to i5 3570k....

I say fx+asus m5a97 evo... And no it is not worth 5k but ur intel fanboy thn u can go with i5....

And for psu go for Seasonic one or corsair one. Sorry but i am noob in power consumption matters so let others members post their opinions.:p
1. So i5 3570k + mobo is around 5-6k more expensive than FX 8350 + the mobo u suggested
Can you calculate my power based on OC'ing FX 8350 by 200mhz [ I am newb/new to OCing so i dont know all the required feilds to enter]
2. But a 7870costs 16.5k whereas the gtx equivalent [660ti] is 20k and also by the time i will want to crossfire [maybe 1.5years] there will be better drivers [i hope]
3. When i try to OC/Crossfire i will upgrade the psu or please advice if it will be better to buy a better psu now ?

One more question will AMD FX8350 and Asus M5A97 EVO R2.0 also support Crossfire ?

1. You are good and totally safe with Seasonic SS-750JS... It has silver certification...
2. Yes :D
3. The psu stated above would do ypur job... Upgrading later would waste your money...
@op for multigpus,better go with nvidia due to sli

crossfire is pain and hassals due to Microslutering ,while in sli,there is less issues,better scaling and better driver support by nvidia for latest games.

for multigpus,i suggest gtx 660 @15k which performs just 4 % less than hd 7870 but 2x 660 > 2x hd 7870
@op for multigpus,better go with nvidia due to sli

crossfire is pain and hassals due to Microslutering ,while in sli,there is less issues,better scaling and better driver support by nvidia for latest games.

for multigpus,i suggest gtx 660 @15k which performs just 4 % less than hd 7870 but 2x 660 > 2x hd 7870

A little typo in ur post so back to the point he is not going to add another card in another 1.5yrs so suggesting alternative card is a waste here.
@op for multigpus,better go with nvidia due to sli

crossfire is pain and hassals due to Microslutering ,while in sli,there is less issues,better scaling and better driver support by nvidia for latest games.

for multigpus,i suggest gtx 660 @15k which performs just 4 % less than hd 7870 but 2x 660 > 2x hd 7870

I have done loads of research on gpu [Around 20hours of seeing various benchmarks/fps/fps variance etc] and i can confiently say that 660 performs way lower than 4% when compared to 7870
[Also 7870 can be oc'ed later on]
I have done loads of research on gpu [Around 20hours of seeing various benchmarks/fps/fps variance etc] and i can confiently say that 660 performs way lower than 4% when compared to 7870
[Also 7870 can be oc'ed later on]

Real world scenarios differs alot mate. And he suggested gtx 660 because u were going for crossfire. U can even overclock 660 but not asgoodas hd7870.
Wont the 750W PSU be an overkill?

Also Vincee you look like an AMD fan boy..
Even I LOVE AMD but after my sis got an intel laptop i have been impressed with intel too ;)
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