Search results

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    WTB: Mobo For Pentium 4 or mobo+proccy combo urgent

    any mobos with an agp slot please? or any nice proccy+mobo
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    WTB: Mobo For Pentium 4 or mobo+proccy combo urgent

    hello..nightly bump...anyone got a cheap mobo+proccy combo? any athlon will do...3000+ would be good.any mobo will do
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    Fs Amd 3000 + Asus K8v + 5200

    how abt 2k for the mobo+proccy?
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    WTB: Mobo For Pentium 4 or mobo+proccy combo urgent

    Hi guys. I have a pentium 4 2.53 proccy( 533 mhz FSB). i burnt up its was an intel 845 GBV mobo. anyone has a mobo lying arnd that i can use..onboard sound wuld be a plus.Proccy is a 478 pin i think ELSE any mobo+proccy combo. gimme ur offers
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    Vista network problem

    tried that...not working...using dns specific to my isp
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    Vista network problem

    Hi guys.. i have an internet connection from you works well in windows XP...but i just installed vista home premium...i installed the network card...its a realtek 8139 sumthin.device manager shows it as working properly.. but the Local area connection has an x mark on it and it jus...
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    Monitors Monitor Problems

    hi guys i have a weird problem...19 inch viewsonic monitor...whenever i try to go into safe mode...the monitor goes black and says " OUT OF SYNC ". help please :)
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    Storage Solutions Partitions not showing in winxp

    hmm....that hdd is not showing up there...
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    Storage Solutions Partitions not showing in winxp

    hi. i have 2 hard disks...1 western digital 80 gb which has the os... i got another 30gb samsung hdd from a friend who had winxp and some stuff on wasnt working properly so i installed it in my pc as a secondary master drive windows detected it and installed it...but "my computer"...
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    FS: Brand New Razer Copperhead.

    karan ur inbox is full...ill offline u on ur msn..lemme knw wat u think ok?>
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    aquaguard eboiling water purifier

    yea me using aquaguard since 4 years now...nice clean water...i hadnt had any prob with it..regular maintanence is imp though...the guys from the company have a servicing plan too...hassle free
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    Free 2 Mbps broadband by 2009

    if they say 2009...i guess well have it by 2015...because when they promised dsl and cable took 5 more yrs than the time they said
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    PS3 debuts in India for arnd 40k

    guys buying a console in india is really stupid...actually in the same price...u can VISIT dubai...get the ps3 and then come back in the exact same money.. :D
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    Wtb : 10 pin double header

    hello people... i need a couple of 10 pin double headers( they are abt 2 to 3 cms long)...can anyone tell me where i can find them? refer to pic for more info. im in hyd.