aquaguard eboiling water purifier

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using it from around 2 yrs, damn good apparatus. i get muddy water sometimes and this thing just gives out clear and clean and also odour free water.

just keep servicing it every six months to keep it in good working condition.
i would say go, for aquaguard RO water puifier. RO technology gives much better n cleaner water. also it tastes just like mineral water
Hotstuff said:
i would say go, for aquaguard RO water puifier. RO technology gives much better n cleaner water. also it tastes just like mineral water

Practically I would not suggest an RO purifier... Reason..... We are Indians & we cannot live on such pure water.... Our immunity is built 'coz we take microbes in less no. but with such pure water the immune tolerance for pathogens will decrease... We cannot take such pure water everywhere....

Aquaguard Classic model which is also e-boiling+ is the best bet.... It is economical & the cheapest.... & it does purify water if not up to mineral water standards....

Also post warranty you can get an AMC which takes care of parts & consumables like filters & cartridges.... Also the AMC cost for Classic model is the lowest....

You can even call the service personal every two month & get the purifier throughly cleaned for free under warranty & AMC....
yea me using aquaguard since 4 years now...nice clean water...i hadnt had any prob with it..regular maintanence is imp though...the guys from the company have a servicing plan too...hassle free
racy1 said:
Practically I would not suggest an RO purifier... Reason..... We are Indians & we cannot live on such pure water.... Our immunity is built 'coz we take microbes in less no. but with such pure water the immune tolerance for pathogens will decrease... We cannot take such pure water everywhere....

hmmm... sounds interesting. I would like to know what Medpal thinks about this...

water purifier :

its a tricky insturment to own, maintain, run perfectly.

when i selected mine i too was confused a lot, expecially coming from medical background.

Lets first discuss types of water purifiers:

Reverse Osmosis (So called mineral water) plants :
they work on a principal that across a fine membrane there will be exchange of electrolytes which make a normal composition of potable water. they also remove the impurities.

Chemical or Ultra Violet based Units :
These units work on principle of disinfection by way or bacteriostatic reaction by means of chemical or ultraviolet light.

Ultra filteration:
these unit based of ultra fine (0.001) micron sized membrane which is capable of even removing Hepatitis B virus (enenthough the Hepatitis B transmission occurs through blood route, this is just a size comparison).

I surveyed a lot about the need of RO plants in indian setup.

What i found out after talking to research engineers of companies, internet and my personal inquiries, those places which receive good municipal supply of water with low PPM counts do not require the RO plants.

RO plants are required only in those places which receive deep seated ground water by means of borewell.

so if you are living in a good city with nice water supply you do not need RO plants.

second consideration for RO was whether it really is needed? now RO is a principle taken from human kidney, but the AI behind these machines is not that much smart so it can differentiate between usefull metals and toxic heavy metals. there are few metals which are really necessary to body and are sourced from water.
This in way lead to weak absorption quality of intesstines and may lead to problems when exposed to non treated water.
Now lets consider the UV machines:
These are as such good, but they do not destroy or remove the infective material, they just deactivate them and render the water temporarily clean for intake.
NOw if the container is contaminated or water storage is not proper or even if the consumers immunity is down, these infective organisms can be reactivated and can create the problem.

Now come the last type (Ultra Filteration):

these units are working on principle of passing the water through a ultra fine membrane which removes all the undissolved impurities and renders the water clean.

works excellently. those areas which have access to good clean municipal water should use it.

Now lets discuss the comparative scenario in relation to personal usage:

RO Plants :
upfront costing high
high to very high maintainance cost
too much breakdowns
lot of water wastage

Pros :
Removes almost everything you want it to remove
Imparts a good taste to water.
does not remove completely the pathogens
water wastage
average maintainance costing

Ultra Filteration:
does not alter the taste of water
cant be used with hard water

Almost maintainance free
No electricity usage
Removes all the undissolved impurities including pathogens
So now comes the decision part:
I am using the last type Ultra filteration type and fully satisfied with it. As here in surat Our municipal corporation is providing good quality water so there is no need of RO for me and i found this one more full proof than UV ones.

One more point : this unit is made by permionics india limited and is not much marketed aggresively but if you get to try it do get a trial before installing any other machines.

Lastly : IIRC There is only one company in india which is making the filters for water treatment be it Ultrafilteration, RO or UV it is Permionics so any machine you take there will be one membrane working in all.

I do not have recent first hand knowledge about the companies in RO field right now but i would stay away from Eureka forbes for RO plants. Have seen quite a few machines failing.

any queries welcomed for discussion.

will answer them tomorrow. right now hungry and going to home.
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medpal said:
Now lets consider the UV machines:
These are as such good, but they do not destroy or remove the infective material, they just deactivate them and render the water temporarily clean for intake.
NOw if the container is contaminated or water storage is not proper or even if the consumers immunity is down, these infective organisms can be reactivated and can create the problem.

For an average Indian family UV option is the best....'coz not everyone gets clean Municipal Water... I've seen Permionics India make Filters with many doctors & Rly Hospitals. We had that filter earlier.... But they need Clear & Clean water....

Also UV does destroy the membrane of the microbe thus killing it & not just deactivating..... The e-boiling+ feature is nothing but a higher rated UV lamp used in the purifier which makes the water safe as water boiled for 20mins.... (As stated by service personal)....

AMC makes the Eureka Forbes purifier a better option... even though they charge a premium over other brands.... For options other than Eureka Forbes there is Philips & Bajaj... Though they are relatively new but provide the same technology....

Regular maintainance is a major drawback but AMC is worth the effort... A two year plan costs Rs.1590/- Incl. Taxes.... Covers most things....
We have Aquaguard INova since 2.5 years and we are satisfied on its performance and our investment on it. The after sales service is very good with AMC which is resaonably priceed where in they change the filter every year and clean up the whole unit and make it "chak a chak" every 6 months.:)

The water outflow is quick enough to fill small glasses but takes time to fill bigger vessels.
Also, if you haven't used the unit since 24hrs we need to fill 2/3 big bottles of water and empty them before filling up water.

My in-laws have Kent purifier - I think it has a better design and you are able to fill water on the fly at run time as the unit is in series with the mains.
I have used a Alfa purifier based on UV for years and years now. Decided on Alfa as against Eureka Forbes for 2 reasons.

Firstly, at that time, Alfa had a SS housing while EF only had Al.

Secondly I did not like the EF sales people's hardsell style. They used to walk in to your home and make you feel you are a murderer of your children if you do not buy their products. Don't know if anything has changed now.

I get AMC from Alfa as well.

Oh and by the way EF purifiers at that time had a solenoid valve which was meant to prevent water from flowing if the water clarity was not good enough. There were two kinds of problem because of this. Sometimes this used to stay off because the optical sensor would become cloudy. The other problem was that the valve being in the path required sufficient water pressure for it to work. So if you were on the top floor with the overhead tank not too high up, you needed to fit a small booster pump before the purifier to get sufficient pressure to overcome the valve.

I wanted to give medpal a rep here but couldn't because I need to spread it around first it seems.
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racy1 said:
For an average Indian family UV option is the best....'coz not everyone gets clean Municipal Water... I've seen Permionics India make Filters with many doctors & Rly Hospitals. We had that filter earlier.... But they need Clear & Clean water....

Also UV does destroy the membrane of the microbe thus killing it & not just deactivating..... The e-boiling+ feature is nothing but a higher rated UV lamp used in the purifier which makes the water safe as water boiled for 20mins.... (As stated by service personal)....

AMC makes the Eureka Forbes purifier a better option... even though they charge a premium over other brands.... For options other than Eureka Forbes there is Philips & Bajaj... Though they are relatively new but provide the same technology....

Regular maintainance is a major drawback but AMC is worth the effort... A two year plan costs Rs.1590/- Incl. Taxes.... Covers most things....

if you have the literature then i would like to go through the manual where it suggests that UV action is bactericidal.

because if i need to disinfect my Operation Theatre with a really powerfull lamp then also it would take at least 2 hours so i dont think a small uv lamp can disinfect water in a flash.

secondly an average lower middle class family who are most exposed to hazardous water cant afford regular AMC imo, believe i am diectly concerned with people who try hard to meet their two ends every month being in healthcare field.

so a really decent maintainance free option is available why shouldnt we opt for it? i am not against UV or RO my point is expense to benefit ratio.

lastly i had made the water cultured for any bacterial or viral infection for 48 hours with a friend who is specialist microbiologist, and the results were negetive with Pureflo of Permionics.
medpal said:
if you have the literature then i would like to go through the manual where it suggests that UV action is bactericidal.

Dude.... Don't tell me UV is not bactericidal.... Check this out....UV Rays Specialty Definition

because if i need to disinfect my Operation Theatre with a really powerfull lamp then also it would take at least 2 hours so i dont think a small uv lamp can disinfect water in a flash.

I can't believe that you said this... Intensity of any radiation is also dependent upon the area & wavelength along with duration of radiation.... In a 2x4" enclosed space UV rays would be more effective... Then say in a 12x12 OT.... Also service personal tells us not to open the valve fully & let water come to the purifier slowly... To have more effective purification....

secondly an average lower middle class family who are most exposed to hazardous water cant afford regular AMC imo, believe i am diectly concerned with people who try hard to meet their two ends every month being in healthcare field.

I am not suggesting any middle class family to go & get a UV water purifier... Most people don't.... they either don't purify water at all or use filters... mostly cheapo candle stick type...

so a really decent maintainance free option is available why shouldnt we opt for it? i am not against UV or RO my point is expense to benefit ratio.

Again how many areas get clean municipal water... In my area its always slightly muddy... Most places in India supply water is not pure & clear... There is always impurities Biological, Chemical & Physical... UV rays does have viricidal, bactericidal effect... To take care of biological impurities...

lastly i had made the water cultured for any bacterial or viral infection for 48 hours with a friend who is specialist microbiologist, and the results were negetive with Pureflo of Permionics.

Again not every one gets clean water....
medpal said:
if you have the literature then i would like to go through the manual where it suggests that UV action is bactericidal.

Its given in the user manual page no. 3.....

Stage 3
Ultra Violet Chamber

The next stage is where the water is subjected to ultra-violet treatment where ultra-violet rays e-boil water. This is a proven method for eliminating waterborne disease causing bacteria, viruses & protozoans. In fact, Aquaguards ultra-violet germicidal dosage destroys all known waterborne disease causing micro-organisms while retaining essential minerals & nutrients in the water. The UV treated water is always safe to drink.
racy1 said:
Dude.... Don't tell me UV is not bactericidal.... Check this out....UV Rays Specialty Definition

I can't believe that you said this... Intensity of any radiation is also dependent upon the area & wavelength along with duration of radiation.... In a 2x4" enclosed space UV rays would be more effective... Then say in a 12x12 OT.... Also service personal tells us not to open the valve fully & let water come to the purifier slowly... To have more effective purification....

I am not suggesting any middle class family to go & get a UV water purifier... Most people don't.... they either don't purify water at all or use filters... mostly cheapo candle stick type...

Again how many areas get clean municipal water... In my area its always slightly muddy... Most places in India supply water is not pure & clear... There is always impurities Biological, Chemical & Physical... UV rays does have viricidal, bactericidal effect... To take care of biological impurities...

Again not every one gets clean water....

in reply to your doubt i would like to quote some resource here.

yes you said it right the UV disinfection dipends upon the wavelength of the rays, intensity of it and the durartion of contents.

now if you dont open the valve for first minute then the contents are good but what can you say bout the regular flow to fill the big containers. The disinfection can not be guaranteed.

• UV disinfection is effective at inactivating most viruses, spores, and cysts.
• UV disinfection is a physical process rather than a chemical disinfectant, which eliminates the need to generate, handle, transport, or store toxic/hazardous or corrosive chemicals.
• There is no residual effect that can beharmful to humans or aquatic life.
• UV disinfection is user-friendly for operators.
• UV disinfection has a shorter contact time when compared with other disinfectants (approximately 20 to 30 seconds with low-pressure lamps).
• UV disinfection equipment requires less space than other methods.

• Low dosage may not effectively inactivate some viruses, spores, and cysts.
• Organisms can sometimes repair and reverse the destructive effects of UV through a "repair mechanism," known as photo reactivation, or in the absence of light known as "dark repair."
• A preventive maintenance program is necessary to control fouling of tubes.
• Turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS) in the wastewater can render UV
disinfection ineffective. UV disinfection with low-pressure lamps is not as effective for secondary effluent with TSS levels above 30 mg/L.
• UV disinfection is not as cost-effective as chlorination, but costs are competitive when chlorination dechlorination is used and fire codes are met.

So the Uv process just takes care of biological impurities, the physical impurities are taken care of by prefilter and silver impregnated activated carbon.

As you said not every one gets clean water supply in our setup, right so the hard water or muddy water or whatever you feel is bad will render the UV disinfection powerless.

Thats why i said there are specific needs of a specific devices.

If you get municipal water (which is usually sourced from riverbed / reservoir) which in term is softwater (not loaded with heavy metals) in your home you got two choices

either UV or Ultrafilteration

now UV will disinfect the water but will not do anything about physical impurities.

Ultrafilteration will remove the biological plus physical impurities in range of .001 microns completely.

If you need to change the chemical contents which is not touched by both either UV or Ultrapurification you will feel the need of the RO system.

So neither UV nor Ultrapurification will change or alter the taste of water. They will remove the odour because of prefilter and carbon.

BTW i was talking about microbiological reports of Ultrafiltrated water not direct supply water, which were taken from my own unit, just for routine check up as i have access to the facilities which is not feasible for every household.

here is the source from where i quoted the text:
medpal said:
now if you dont open the valve for first minute then the contents are good but what can you say bout the regular flow to fill the big containers. The disinfection can not be guaranteed.

Don't you think Aquaguard by any chance had already thought about it & calibrated their system for clean water..... They are ISI approved systems.... Every purification process needs maintenance... so don't you think other types of purifier can also give uncertain quality of water....

Again let me emphasize here... I am not telling everybody out there to go & get a UV system & its the only thing which can keep you alive otherwise god help you... Seriously... The original poster asked for Aquaguard e-boiling+.... I am not forcing this on him....

So the Uv process just takes care of biological impurities, the physical impurities are taken care of by prefilter and silver impregnated activated carbon.

User Manual page 3

Stage 1
The Sediment Filter

The water first passes through the sediment filter which incorporates a specially developed multi-layered yarn cartridge. This strains out physical impurities present in the water such as dust, dirt and mud.


EVS - Electronic Monitoring System

While the water is completely purified after the above 3 stages, Aquaguard has one more benefit. A unique Electronic Monitoring System. This electronic eye monitors the purification process and stops the flow of water immediately, if the level of purification is inadequate...

As you said not every one gets clean water supply in our setup, right so the hard water or muddy water or whatever you feel is bad will render the UV disinfection powerless.

As per your supplied whitepapers UV purification should have sensors to determine the correct dosage of UV light for purification & a sensor should monitor the quality of water continuously...


Aquaguard Classic has a decalcifier which generates electronic impulses to prevent scaling of quartz tube

now UV will disinfect the water but will not do anything about physical impurities.

I never said anywhere UV will get rid of physical impurities.. Its the job of a pre-filter...

Aquaguard has maintained all the standards as required by internationally... Otherwise it would had bombed... & going by the prevailing conditions its widely used....
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