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  1. Lord Nemesis

    Maintenance Bill amount can be reversed or not?

    First of all, you need to be present at the SGM/AGM to voice your opinions and vote on the resolutions. In order to challenge a resolution that is already passed, you need to collect signatures from more than 50% of the members i.e. 148/2 + 1 = 75 members and present it to management committee...
  2. Lord Nemesis

    Chartered Accountant (CA) related queries go here!

    Regarding PMAY, is it even operation in Telangana? AFAIK, it is not operational for Urban and even for PMAY-G, Central govt decided not to allocate any funds to Telangana in favor of allocating that amount to other "needy" states AKA states where they can stand a chance of building a vote bank...
  3. Lord Nemesis

    Bank's customer Relationship officer visiting homes?

    Its based on overall relationship value, not just AQB of savings account. So, count the value of any fixed deposits or other stuff you may have.
  4. Lord Nemesis

    Bank's customer Relationship officer visiting homes?

    This is pretty normal. If you have a moderately high value account, they will assign a personal relationship manager and that person is required to interact with the customer on a regular basis As an RM, they are being paid for that and sometimes banks take feedback too. The RM knows that you...
  5. Lord Nemesis

    Where this country is heading - do you have any hope ?
  6. Lord Nemesis

    Where this country is heading - do you have any hope ?

    Indira Gandhi was a illegitimate ruler for the entirety of the emergency period. Many of the laws she passed during that time had to be scratched out by the Supreme Court. Countless people were snuffed out during that time just for opposing her. She was a bona-fide dictator. No other countries...
  7. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    Can you point out one post in any thread on this entire forum, where somebody claimed that congress is clean as white or at least said that they are not corrupt? People are saying that BJP is just as dirty or even more dirty than congress and you are butt hurt because your fanatism prevents...
  8. Lord Nemesis

    Where this country is heading - do you have any hope ?
  9. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    Can you explain how a self proclaimed Chai wala amassed assets worth crores of rupees? Do you even know that has assets worth crores even just going by his own signed election affidavit? Have you ever even tried to look into it. These affidavits are not even given honestly and show a fraction of...
  10. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    Do you mean to say that full on dictatorship will ensue and dissenters who can't stand injustices would be put in concentration camps? You should know what happens next. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the...
  11. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    I am seeing a lot of references to armed forces everywhere in relation to this incident, but the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) has nothing to do with the Army. They are a Special Police Force with extensive training to deal with special situations inside the country and operates under the...
  12. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    Can't agree more. No one is joining the armed forces because they are brimming with patriotism and itching to die for the country. They are also normal people with families of their own and are doing what best they can to make a living. Their job comes with more hardships and risk to life than...
  13. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    The fact that people think that our national security can be left to the discretion of some other nation (one which is not even a ally of our country) while they indulge in knee jerk reactions says a lot about what people think of national security. The same people elect shit head politicians...
  14. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    That is what people tend to do when they are oppressed and cornered. They turn to whoever they can get help from. It also doesn't help that 80% of the population of Kashmir were Muslims even back in 1947. The accession of Kashmir to India was for the most part a temporary arrangement of a King...
  15. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    I was only clarifying what a surgical strike is and that it doesn't require an air attack. I didn't say that our response was a surgical strike. Modi hyping up something to get a chest thumping from people who don't even know what jack shit about our own country, hardly makes it a surgical...
  16. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    It doesn't. Which is exactly the point I was making in a earlier post. The people on the other side of the border are just a reflection of the people on this side. There will be good people over there too and there will also be assholes who think nothing of bombing a hospital or nuking a city...
  17. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    Surgical strike just means that it is a well planned, precise and focused attack that inflicts max damage to only the intended target and no zero collateral damage. There is not need for Air strikes etc. Its just that Air strikes are often used as part of the strategy.
  18. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    The biggest problem in India is the alienation, hostility and belittlement of people different than themselves using any excuse they can muster. No, its not done as a just a knee jerk reaction and its not just Kashmiri's who face it. Just check out how people of NE states are treated in India...
  19. Lord Nemesis

    Pulwama attack

    I found a option to donate to "CRPF Wives Welfare Association" on Paytm. s this what you are referring to? Looks like this is the one setup by paytm. I have gone ahead and donated through it.