Pulwama attack

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I'll admit that they are not too well balanced but the surface level information is scary.

However nti.org is a much better source of information. If you go through the 2nd one you'll see the crap show thats the Pakistani nuclear arsenal.

Remember you need only one out of estimated 120-130 nukes to wipe out Mumbai or Delhi. Depending on the US to capture all nukes in the event of catastrophic failure is akin to a pie in the sky.

BTW do you care to share any sources for your information or is it only from your own fertile mind?
Keep in mind Pak nukes are not mated. They only start mating them should there be a threat of an indian invasion. Would still need a colonel rank officer to fire them off.

Work has been done with the americans to make them safer.
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Maximum Indians on tweets against entire news coverage making it SPICY.. from Times of India.
(check anger of millions of Indians against #Pakistan #TOI)
Entire country revolts back now.. via tweets/fb/ hastags etc.

Salute to #IndianArmy
#palwama #KashmirTerrorAttack #PulwamaTerrorAttacks #PulawamaAttack

Heart touching poem by a Soldier.


Salute to #IndianArmy
#palwama #KashmirTerrorAttack #PulwamaTerrorAttacks #PulawamaAttack

Unsure if anyone else got tears in there eyes..


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last but not least, it shows great forum member’s mindset. “it is from your fertile mind “

our anti missile air defence is far better placed than worrying about random pakistani missile coming up on our city.

prithvi based AAD and all its variant are enough to stolen chinese missiles of pakistan.

s400 is also on its way so I am not worried about my country. it is safe in hands of modi ji.

The best IADS(Integrated Air Defence System) i.e. the Russian ABM and US THAAD/Aegis systems are not 100% foolproof even by their own admission.

The corresponding US Navy systems i.e. the Aegis has limited ABM capability.

As for India the ABM shield covers only New Delhi and Mumbai and thats not fully deployed as well. SO good luck if you live outside the political and financial capitals of India.

Moreover my counts were a bit off. Seems like Pakis might have 140-150 warheads and have scaled up manufacturing pace a lot to counter Indian ABM tests.

So even with 99% accuracy more than one will go through which is enough to kill millions.

The S400 is component of a multi-layer IADS (which include SA-17 Buk for medium range <25Km and SA19 Tunguska/SA22 Pantsir for close in defence <10 Km) which too has limited ABM capability.Its more of a area denial weapon specifically fielded by Russia to counter the airborne radar command and control (AWACS/AEW) E-3 Sentry and E-8 JSTARS aircraft of the US.

Your comments follow the same half-informed rhetoric in other threads where we have seen you comment.

Please read up in depth before jumping in blindly parroting some chest thumping posts on Facebook/Twitter.

P.S. Twit means idiot and tweet is for twitter. :)

Anyways from prior experience I shouldn't be replying to your one liners. Theres no hope there. :(

In case of one liners you're like the Pakis in Kargil. I have to write a lot to refute your points but you come back again with another half-informed one liner. :P
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I think its a lie that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in our interest.

A stable and prosperous Pakistan that does not have the military making foreign policy would be a different proposition.

The next lie is the nukes will fall into the wrong hands. If they do the first casualty will be the Pak military. For reasons of pride and honour they will never allow that to happen.

The problem with a splintered Pakistan is we must not have to accommodate 80 million refugees. The trick is to keep their people bottled up there.

I don't know why this govt has dragged its feet on 370. Maybe they fear the backlash. This is why no govt wants to try. Which means the status quo continues with everyone making something one way or another from a conflict economy. Vested interests build up on all sides to keep things as is.

I don't mean strong and prosperous like China. I mean to say they should not be overturned as that will be a bigger headache for us in terms of refugees like you said as well the massive risk of nukes going to Jihadists's hands.

The Paki Army will do anything in case of a total trouncing that we can inflict on them in conventional warfare. At that point they will either fire off the nukes at us or even if they fail to fire them off most definitely they will be passed on to Jihadis for a revenge attack.

Don't forget that the Thousand Cuts policy started by Ziaul Haque which led to Pakis outsourcing the dirty work to terrorists shows that pride doesn't matter as long as they can make India pay for the humiliation of '71. The Paki Army controls a large chunk of the economy there and they are more of a political party albeit with dirtier tactics that anyone else on the planet with their own agenda of staying in power in Pakistan with the combination of Allah..America..Army

I don't get the issue with 370 as well. I mean any Indian can buy property anywhere in India...why not Kashmir(although that might not be practical for your own life:P)?
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I don't think that there's a conspiracy behind this attack like @Julian said but I am sure this issue will be hyped and used in votes to the maximum effect possible to drown out the other issues.Never confuse a regime with your country.

I didn't say there IS a conspiracy. I said it's definitely a possibility, don't discount it just like that. But probability though? i would guesstimate 25%

But just that the timing makes zero sense for pak and our guys will spin this into something because their PR team and IT cells are that strong.[DOUBLEPOST=1550506659][/DOUBLEPOST]
...fertile mind?

You're just being polite; all of us are thinking, out of the backside...
I didn't say there IS a conspiracy. I said it's definitely a possibility, don't discount it just like that. But probability though? i would guesstimate 25%

But just that the timing makes zero sense for pak and our guys will spin this into something because their PR team and IT cells are that strong.
The timing is correct though. Every year the Feb end ->March period sees an upswing in Kasmir terrorist activities as this is when the ice melts and the Pakis send in a fresh batch of recruits.

However this will be turned into a media circus for drumming up votes.

Until the problem is rooted out instead of band-aid fixes this will happen again next year and so on and on.

Anyways back to downloading Metro Exodus now on Epic. Got an RTX 2080 for this title only and have taken earned leaves this week to tackle Far Cry New Dawn and Metro Exodus.
Keep in mind Pak nukes are not mated. They only start mating them should there be a threat of an indian invasion. Would still need a colonel rank officer to fire them off.

Work has been done with the americans to make them safer.

Not all of them are unmated especially the tactical nukes with a <1 Kt yield which are mated since they're mounted on solid fueled missiles.
Moreover the command of these tactical nukes are with local battlefield commanders e.g. a colonel like you said.

But I don't trust any colonel who commands a regiment with around 800 troops(Infantry Regiment...armored/mechanized have fewer people but they got vehicles) to have that kind of sense. They are way down the chain for nuclear strike authority.

There's a reason why nowadays only national command authorities e.g. the leaders of the nation can call for a nuke strike.

The US had tactical nukes stationed near the Fulda gap during the Cold war in West Germany but this local control was a major headache for them as well with the Pershing II missiles which led to the retirement of these nukes with the SALTS II treaty.

Funnily the American operational problem which they tried to solve with tactical nukes was the same as Pakistan with our Cold Start doctrine.

In case of WWIII the Soviets would unleash massive armored Operational Manoeuvre Groups through the Fulda Gap which NATO couldn't handle via conventional means and they planned tonuke them with low yield tactical nukes to pare down the odds in their favor.
JeM has admitted they did the attack. JeM is one of the choicest snakes the PA has reared.

What i don't understand is how can all the rest of the muslims stand by silently while these guys use the name of the prophet in their group name itself while propagating terrorism?

If the entire mainstream muslim community (arabs primarily) condemns these a-holes publicly, they will have less credibility.

what was that old quote about good people doing nothing...[DOUBLEPOST=1550507537][/DOUBLEPOST]
The timing is correct though. Every year the Feb end ->March period sees an upswing in Kasmir terrorist activities as this is when the ice melts and the Pakis send in a fresh batch of recruits.

I thought ice melting is post march-april?

Do you have any stats about the activity vis-a-vis time of year?
Maximum Indians on tweets against entire news coverage making it SPICY.. from Times of India.
(check anger of millions of Indians against #Pakistan #TOI)
Entire country revolts back now.. via tweets/fb/ hastags etc.

Salute to #IndianArmy
#palwama #KashmirTerrorAttack #PulwamaTerrorAttacks #PulawamaAttack

Heart touching poem by a Soldier.

Salute to #IndianArmy
#palwama #KashmirTerrorAttack #PulwamaTerrorAttacks #PulawamaAttack

Unsure if anyone else got tears in there eyes..

I don't agree with this at all. No soldier joins the military to die. It's an occupational risk which they accept. Mostly jawans are poor boys who have very few if any other options for work. My bro joined the air force after his 12th. The family situation didn't allow him to study more and join as an officer.

The only people saying that soldiers are born to die are those sitting behind their keyboards raving madly, and who don't have the balls to go themselves.

The goddamn politicians with their crap policies should be ashamed of themselves every time a soldier dies, not talk about it like martyrdom.
I don't think that there's a conspiracy behind this attack like @Julian said but I am sure this issue will be hyped and used in votes to the maximum effect possible to drown out the other issues.Never confuse a regime with your country.
Trouble with this idea is it begs the question, well what is the govt doing about it ?

Problem with a military strike right now is we've lost the element of surprise. They know we're coming. They pull their troops and launch pads back a bit. They also know the clock is running down so they keep it that way for another three months.

What kind of raid can we do in this case ? it will have to be something else.

I get that i'm very likely to be wrong on this point and the govt is most welcome to surprise us :)

Remember we have seen such attacks on the CRPF in the past by Maoists.
Maoists have the record for killing twice as many in one attack as Pulwama.
What i don't understand is how can all the rest of the muslims stand by silently while these guys use the name of the prophet in their group name itself while propagating terrorism?
The brunt of 95% of 'islamic' terrorism worldwide is borne by other muslims.

Either comply or die. That settles any intra community opposition.

This is not about religion, its about power.

Over your life, what you say, how you live and what you do has to be vetted by them and them alone.

No normal person will willingly give up freedoms so these types haven't a chance in hell of winning an election so they use coercion.

If the entire mainstream muslim community (arabs primarily) condemns these a-holes publicly, they will have less credibility.
You get the odd fatwas now & then. For now the extremists have the initiative.

This means its a generational struggle.

It has to be done via social media. There are plenty of options here.
Gotcha. I agree there may be even better ways, especially on the ground. Air attacks always have a high-risk of collateral no matter how precise in theory.

A single special forces operator or unit can take down a target, say like osama. That was a surgical strike. Or it could be a hidden bomb, like a car maybe. But artillery, that too over the border is the worst possible claim of surgical.[DOUBLEPOST=1550429958][/DOUBLEPOST]Pakistan's current economic situation is exactly what puzzles me as to what is their motive? They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by provoking and antagonizing us.

On the other hand, this attack right in between the movie and the elections is perfect timing, politically. Don't want to say more without 'proof'.
What if we they wanted you too think like this, so people can throw modi government out? I'm mean that's an possibility too!
Modi and doval duo has best strategy for Pakistan and that country would finish and splinter off in due time .
Right now they have three enemies on all their borders screwing them
They can’t escape duo’s action.

IA and doval would effectively finish them.all we need to do is trust their leadership and vote Modi ji back to power.[DOUBLEPOST=1550477105][/DOUBLEPOST]Just check twit of Pakistan state bank.
They have been reduced to begging bowl and nothing else.

When was last time you heard any state bank twitting about receiving 1 billion usd ?
Pak military wants Modi to win too, see my last link[DOUBLEPOST=1550513782][/DOUBLEPOST]
I didn't say there IS a conspiracy. I said it's definitely a possibility, don't discount it just like that. But probability though? i would guesstimate 25%
Happy now ?

The Pak military thinks Modi is the best way for them to advance their agenda in India.

Chris is a hard core liberal, so i'm not surprised she would see it this way. Still for a gal from Indiana who speaks fluent Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and a bit of Dari i pay attention to what she says about south asian affairs.
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What if we they wanted you too think like this, so people can throw modi government out? I'm mean that's an possibility too!

Sadly, not many people even slightly ready to open their minds up to possibilities, so this is very unlikely.
Happy now ?

No, i'm far from happy, i'm really pissed off. In between the paks and our govt and the armed forces and the militants, the ones really suffering are the kashmiris. No one seems to realise that, in fact blaming and targeting the victims as usual. They can't live in kashmir in peace and the rest of india won't let them either. Kinda like the palestinians. Not that i can accept or condone their terror activities.

But why is everyone ignoring the fact that everyone has a breaking point. Piss someone off badly enough and he will retaliate.
No, i'm far from happy, i'm really pissed off. In between the paks and our govt and the armed forces and the militants, the ones really suffering are the kashmiris. No one seems to realise that, in fact blaming and targeting the victims as usual. They can't live in kashmir in peace and the rest of india won't let them either. Kinda like the palestinians. Not that i can accept or condone their terror activities.
Start by refusing to become pawns in a bigger game. Modi & Doval are accelerating this decision by making it clear that to do so comes with a cost.

These people come from south kashmir.
Is there problem in North & Central Kashmir ? no.
Is there problem is Jammu ? no
Is there problem in Ladakh ? no

But see how these southern kashmiri guys hog the media with their 'struggle'.

What is their beef

This is no local struggle, It's war by other means from the neighbour.

But why is everyone ignoring the fact that everyone has a breaking point. Piss someone off badly enough and he will retaliate.
What good is it to become a freedom fighter and not be around when that freedom comes ?

Are these guys lives so worthless that they willingly throw it away.
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I don't agree with this at all. No soldier joins the military to die. It's an occupational risk which they accept. Mostly jawans are poor boys who have very few if any other options for work. My bro joined the air force after his 12th. The family situation didn't allow him to study more and join as an officer.

The only people saying that soldiers are born to die are those sitting behind their keyboards raving madly, and who don't have the balls to go themselves.

The goddamn politicians with their crap policies should be ashamed of themselves every time a soldier dies, not talk about it like martyrdom.

Can't agree more. No one is joining the armed forces because they are brimming with patriotism and itching to die for the country. They are also normal people with families of their own and are doing what best they can to make a living. Their job comes with more hardships and risk to life than any of us can imagine they often get killed in the line of their duty. The word "Martyr" is thrown around so easily by politicians and pretentious self proclaimed patriots, but there is nothing more insulting and dehumanizing than that. I hate it when this word is used to erase the human underneath and reduce them nothing more than the shell of a being whose duty it was to die for the country.
What good is it to become a freedom fighter and not be around when that freedom comes ?

Here you have the brainwashing and indoctrination teaching them about the many positives of a martyrs death...
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