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    FS: Others OnePlus Watch 2R with Wear OS 4 | 20 days old | Immaculate Condition

    Have used the watch for a couple of days: The watch itself is a great product and is in amazing condition as well @honest1 was amazing to buy from, super quick deal and was picked up the same day. Also, +1 on the packaging, got all the accessories and was securely packed in the original box.
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    Options for automatically syncing watches in India

    No no, this will change the "network" which shall provide the time to your device. Keep that option on and change NTP server using the command
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    Options for automatically syncing watches in India

    I'm not sure if you're asking exactly this, I did change the timeserver on my android once just playing around. You'll need ADB for that and this would change the phone's NTP server so keep that in mind if you expected a different outcome. I don't know if is the atomic domain...
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    FS: Monitor and LCD Monitor For SALE : AOC 24G2U 24 inch 144 Hz IPS FHD

    Bro the invoice has your full address, please check
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    Storage Solutions Any 1TB SSD deals?

    Any SSD deals? TLC+DRAM. Looking to get 1TB if M.2 or 2TB if SATA
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    Reddit may force 3rd party apps to shut down, asks for $12k api access fees.

    +1 on tildes, hung around for like a week to see if I really liked it. Got an invite and am an active user now, amazing site with more of the close knit forum type feel rather that big vast social media
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    Reddit may force 3rd party apps to shut down, asks for $12k api access fees.

    Not very sure if someone here would like it but reVanced released recent patches for Boost and Sync for reddit where you can add your own token(subject to limits of the free API obviously). IDK if i can link it but check the subreddit r/revancedapp for the official site and an excellent guide...
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    The Raspberry Pi Thread

    OH. MY. GOD. How is something so good and I have just heard about it(also such a generous free tier, I use 5 devices at max). Took me all of 10 minutes to setup(30 more to read documentation about all the features though haha, loved TailDrop, my personal internet Airdrop) Though, will contain...
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    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    I can't see the ethernet adapter. are you using it over Wi-Fi? While I wire everything up I'm curious about how is the experience over WiFi as slow DNS resolving could be PAINFUL
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    The Raspberry Pi Thread

    I'm looking to use my Pi for some more things but my biggest limitation is my ISP using dual NAT so no port forwarding(if anyone knows a way lmk, i'm not very good at network stuff). LMK if there's something you guys have in mind Currently it acts as a Pi-hole+SMB server and a makeshift...
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    DON'T Spam TE; Market is a Closed section Doesn't show the disciple requirements to me
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    Amazon India lightning deals

    Oh wow, welp, not the go-to for me anymore then. They were THE SSD to get when I got my first one. Ah, the warranty and price looks great but it's DRAM-less so kinda put off by that, w This looks great, a decent controller, amazing TBW and warranty. and OMG 2 TB for 11k still feels unreal...
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    Amazon India lightning deals

    Any suggestions for good NVMEs(2TB)? or I'll just get another crucial MX500(so reliable already have 3 of those lol)
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    Amazon India lightning deals

    and reviews after they hanged the controller, did they step it back up after the backlash or is it still the bad one?
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    Review My Love-Hate relation ship with the Redmi K20 Pro - Long Term Review

    iirc evo 12L has SELinux permissive.(also in general is not very well recommended in the community)
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    WTB iPhone 12pro/12/13

    the max variants are too big for my preference. thanks for the offer though!
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    FS: Others Sealed Brand New Echo Flex and Amazon Smart Plug

    there's an option for no longer needed in the amazon return window