Options for automatically syncing watches in India


I'm looking for a watch that is going to tell accurate time and requires zero maintenance for years. I've found it actually, it's the GPS-Solar Seiko Astron but it's too expensive (1 lakh plus). I found that Radio sync watches are cheaper than GPS sync, and there are radio sync G-Shocks for sub $100 which is honestly perfect. But these rely on a radio time signal that unfortunately does not exist in India (though looks like it might happen in future). This seems to be the all there is to it, but I'm posting here just in case you guys know something else I don't, or a workaround to get this sort of thing in India.
No there isn't and it's a pity. A real no brainer. Why don't we have such a facility!!!

That article is from 2018. I haven't heard anything new when I was looking at the feasibility of this option with Casio watches a few years back. That's how I learnt of this option.

Radio sync is very effective at syncing clocks especially long wave will have no trouble getting through walls.

Just not available in India (yet) :bored:
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I found a couple more options, though they are not exactly the same but they are something. One is Casio's bluetooth watches. I don't like they are dependent on your phone and there is a certain elegance about a watch that tells the time on its own, but I guess functionally the end result is essentially the same as the GPS/Radio sync.

And the other is a bit of a hack which is creating your own mini radio signal transmitter. Not sure how well this works, gonna take a look at it later as there are so many more options with radio sync.

I really like that Casio though so I'm tempted to pull the trigger on that one. There also seem to be a bunch of nice Bluetooth G-Shocks at 10-12k
Why not use BT people will say, ignorant that the old school radio option is more battery efficient and requires zero equipment on your side....

Casio's g-shocks don't lose much, you could just do it manually twice a year or even annually if you want. I haven't adjusted the time on mine in over four years and it's not more than a few seconds off from what the phone says
I'm looking for a watch that is going to tell accurate time and requires zero maintenance for years. I've found it actually, it's the GPS-Solar Seiko Astron but it's too expensive (1 lakh plus). I found that Radio sync watches are cheaper than GPS sync, and there are radio sync G-Shocks for sub $100 which is honestly perfect. But these rely on a radio time signal that unfortunately does not exist in India (though looks like it might happen in future). This seems to be the all there is to it, but I'm posting here just in case you guys know something else I don't, or a workaround to get this sort of thing in India.
have you looked into this?
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Wow I didn't even know it was technically possible to do something like this. It's easier than that DIY transmitter if it works. So both bluetooth and radio ones are options for me. Still I would prefer bluetooth from the two as the radio sync will still be a manual process through this app.
Might as well get a smartwatch then XD.
Might as well get a smartwatch then XD.
Yeah lol. I want a watch that you don't have to charge, don't have to change batteries, don't have to sync, for at least 10 years. Already sold my smartwatch. I'm probably putting too much emphasis on the sync part, I know it will have to be done a handful of times, but there is something right about a watch that always tells the right time. I think such a product should exist.
I want a watch that you don't have to charge, don't have to change batteries, don't have to sync, for at least 10 years. Already sold my smartwatch.
Main reason I got a gshock when everyone was looking at smartwatches
I'm probably putting too much emphasis on the sync part, I know it will have to be done a handful of times, but there is something right about a watch that always tells the right time. I think such a product should exist.
I wanted a watch that keeps time and not necessarily the right time. Also the UI has to be right. The watch I ended up with after looking at many models satisfies those requirements but does not come with this sync feature. I'm glad I didn't get hung up on this sync feature
Well as you already know you can't have sync unless India has one atomic server or whatever it's called. Closest to us is Japan's. But data from it can't be fetched from India. The protrek I bought in 2014 had atomic sync feature, but no Indian server, so no sync. The protrek released just few weeks ago, 10 years later, having the same feature, well, still the same. I'll check back in 5 years maybe and see whether any porageress has been made in this aspect.
Well as you already know you can't have sync unless India has one atomic server or whatever it's called. Closest to us is Japan's. But data from it can't be fetched from India. The protrek I bought in 2014 had atomic sync feature, but no Indian server, so no sync. The protrek released just few weeks ago, 10 years later, having the same feature, well, still the same. I'll check back in 5 years maybe and see whether any porageress has been made in this aspect.
How many battery changes, services did you have to carry out over the 10 years? And how frequently did you have to sync it.
Why don't you try the app with it then?
Tried. Worked. Lol. 10 years in. First time the watch successfully synced! No more that annoying ERR msg. Although it synced with my phone only, but still. Took about 3 mins.
Now the problem is, my phone's clock (Jio) is a second behind atomic, and I can't see a way to sync it. I remember using clocksync app back in the days, but then again i was always rooted. Any way to sync Android clock with atomic servers without root?
How many battery changes, services did you have to carry out over the 10 years? And how frequently did you have to sync it.
Battery changes and services both 0.
Sync it? I could never sync it being in India. Tried many times. Even got up on the floor of a 62 storey building like a doofus. My watch runs about 7-8 seconds slow a month. So I used to manually adjust it once a month.
Now the problem is, my phone's clock (Jio) is a second behind atomic, and I can't see a way to sync it. I remember using clocksync app back in the days, but then again i was always rooted. Any way to sync Android clock with atomic servers without root?
I'm not sure if you're asking exactly this, I did change the timeserver on my android once just playing around. You'll need ADB for that and this would change the phone's NTP server so keep that in mind if you expected a different outcome.

I don't know if time.nplindia.org is the atomic domain but you can find that easily as you do know a lot more about the same than me.

$ adb shell settings put global ntp_server time.nplindia.org

# test
$ adb shell settings get global ntp_server
> time.nplindia.org
I'm not sure if you're asking exactly this, I did change the timeserver on my android once just playing around. You'll need ADB for that and this would change the phone's NTP server so keep that in mind if you expected a different outcome.

I don't know if time.nplindia.org is the atomic domain but you can find that easily as you do know a lot more about the same than me.

$ adb shell settings put global ntp_server time.nplindia.org

# test
$ adb shell settings get global ntp_server
> time.nplindia.org
Will try this thanks. Do you have to disable network provided time option in settings for this to take effect?
I want a watch that you don't have to charge, don't have to change batteries, don't have to sync, for at least 10 years. I'm probably putting too much emphasis on the sync part, I know it will have to be done a handful of times, but there is something right about a watch that always tells the right time. I think such a product should exist.
It does and if you haven't got one yet then you should consider
I really like that Casio though so I'm tempted to pull the trigger on that one. There also seem to be a bunch of nice Bluetooth G-Shocks at 10-12k

They sync four times a day with the phone. Or you can disable that feature and do it manually.

They come with solar charging and so long as you keep the battery between M and H then you should get a couple of decades out of the battery. If you let it get down to L then the life reduces.

The options for BT are here