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    Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Discussion Thread

    Is the PC version available now? Or when is it expected?
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    Laptops Replacement Battery options

    Hi, I need to get a replacement battery for my HP pavilion laptop (thinking of getting a 12 cell one instead of the standard 6 cell). Are there any good brands for this? And any recommendations on a good place to get this from (cheap and quick delivery or a physical shop)? TIA
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    English TV series discussion

    Any other really good serials like 'The Mentalist' out there? (other than Psych which is nice but really childish)
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    Samsung overtakes Apple

    Samsung Overtakes Apple as World’s Biggest Smartphone Seller - Businessweek
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    Steve Jobs passes away

    This nut copied Knight-Ridder's tablet design (from almost 17 years back), patented it and pushed it off as an 'original' (the iPad) and sued Samsung for allegedly stealing the design from them. :D Tablet Newspaper (1994) - YouTube So Good Riddance I guess.
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    APC Back-UPS RS100. Is that the same one you had?
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    Yes there are a lot of AC's (at least one per apartment and some have 2 or 3 including ours) and there is no power conditioner at the moment. The reason behind my post was to get more information on this and an idea of the cost for a Power Conditioner / CVT and any reliable brands to get this etc.
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    This is an apartment (checked with other residents here and they too mention the same problem and say it is worst in the summer). Yes as far as I can tell we are getting all 3 phases. No water geezers (not really needed in Chennai :)).
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    It gets 3 phase electricity (all 3 seem equally bad though) and btw this is in Chennai (sorry I didn't mention that before).
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    Fluctuating like hell. Continuously goes up and down almost every few minutes (as I'm writing this Powerchute shows voltages from 254 to 216 then 230 and 220 to 234 to 240 and so on)
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    Thanks for clearing that up. I installed the APC Powerchute personal edition and with that noticed that I/p voltages were fluctuating from 190-250 regularly. Really weird place this. So think I really need to get a CVT ASAP. BTW, any recommendations or reliable brands (and approx cost) to get...
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    Thanks for the info. So are mainline stabilizers another name for CVT's? OR are they something different?
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    Handling really bad Voltage problem

    I've recently moved to a new place where the Voltage is a real PITA. I lost my Premier AC stabilizer (double boost one) a week back. Have now replaced it with a V Guard VEW400 which has a display of the input and output voltages, with this I once noticed the i/p voltage go as low as 110V...
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    Re: Internal/External Hard Disk's @ Best Prices | Updated - 7th Aug 2010!! @theitwares: have pm'ed you my enquiry. Pls chk and revert. TIA EDIT: Haven't heard from you as yet. Are the laptop HDD's out of stock?
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    need help in 2 pass assembler

    I know you may not be looking for someone to help you anymore on this, but as I mentioned before if you are looking for help (in future), you would need to be more specific about which part of code the problem stems from and how much you have debugged the code.
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    need help in 2 pass assembler

    Unless you at least try and explain which part of the code you are stuck at and what you have done to try and debug, most folks will not be inclined to help you out. :) BTW, just curious is vtu some new dept. or a university name?
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    Can Wireless routers act as DNS servers?

    Yup, am basically trying to see if a router can act as a DNS for an intranet (rather than having a separate DNS server). Thanks for the links, from the description you've mentioned about this I believe this would be what I am looking for (am having a look at the dd-wrt threads you've mentioned...
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    Can Smartphones operate in 5 GHz band over Wi-Fi?

    From what I understand, the 802.11 n standard (wikipedia) allows operation on both the 2.4 and the 5 GHz bands, but I don't think this would necessarily mean a device need support both bands (i.e. they could support either 2.4 or 5 or both)? Disclaimer: Am no expert on this so someone who knows...
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    Can Wireless routers act as DNS servers?

    The hosts are a mix of Linux (several flavors) and Windows devices (also several XP, vista and 7). The main criteria is to be able to address any of the machines on the n/w (with or without an internet connection) by their host names internally by the other hosts on the n/w (when I tried doing...
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    Can Smartphones operate in 5 GHz band over Wi-Fi?

    I believe your Nokia manual / documentation would mention the bands supported?