need help in 2 pass assembler

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i have a project(6th sem vtu) and i have to create a 2 pass assembler
i got the code from this link here and here (pass 1 and pass 2 respectively)
i we have to give in out as input.dat, but the problem which i am facing is i cant get the output for 2nd pass

can anyone tell me what can i do for this?
i have to submit this on 4th

input file has been attached


Unless you at least try and explain which part of the code you are stuck at and what you have done to try and debug, most folks will not be inclined to help you out. :)

BTW, just curious is vtu some new dept. or a university name?
logistopath said:
More likely it is Visveswaraya Technological University.
correct, and thanks for the file

and thank you very much stalker, cause it is not my code, and the guy who put it up there, its not his either

@boot_comp -- sorry, i should have told this

the problem is the program cannot generate the object code, and this is because intermediate file is not being generated
I know you may not be looking for someone to help you anymore on this, but as I mentioned before if you are looking for help (in future), you would need to be more specific about which part of code the problem stems from and how much you have debugged the code.
Boot_Comp said:
I know you may not be looking for someone to help you anymore on this, but as I mentioned before if you are looking for help (in future), you would need to be more specific about which part of code the problem stems from and how much you have debugged the code.
well i know i am sorry that i have made it look like i wanted my homework done

but i wasnt able to understand the code

that is why i uploaded it

well thank you for looking, my work has been done

a bookworm girl from our class did it
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