Search results

  1. saurabh88

    Vodafone halves the 2G internet data limit of Rs.95 recharge

    I am using 98r unlimited mobile office from airtel with blazzing u vodafone
  2. saurabh88

    Apple ipod touch 4G 32gb Jailbroken

    Cinsuder it me.will make payment on monday.but on one condition.
  3. saurabh88

    Htc hd2

    Edit, do NOT spam..
  4. saurabh88

    Ipod Touch 32 GB, Sansa Fuze Plus 8GB and Sansa Fuze Plus 4GB

    Its this ipod 4th generation? Please pm me.
  5. saurabh88

    New iPhone 4 @ Less than 20k

    What you mean by locked to atat? Can it be unlocked? Factory unlocked or turbo?
  6. saurabh88

    Sealed iPod touch 8GB 4th Gen & Used iPod touch 8GB 4th Gen (with bill & warranty)

    Re: Sealed iPod touch 8GB 4th Gen & Used iPod touch 8GB 4th Gen (with bill & warranty Pm sent with lrice tag
  7. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    From where can I get that bios? --- Updated Post - Automerged --- Yes sir.i have done it both.monitor just works --- Updated Post - Automerged --- All done by your advice but still no work.i had enabled new graphic card from bios setup but --- Updated Post - Automerged...
  8. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    Its vip gold 400 w genuine
  9. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    My updated the post with system info.
  10. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    Card gone?its brand new.just bought yesterday man. What you mean by peg or whatever?i haven't such option there in bios. Ok even I updated the driver when I clik on ati catalyst it always say current gpu is not supported by your driver try to update iteven they are up to date.should I instal...
  11. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    Still no hope for me
  12. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    Fan is spinning.monitor is working dedicated power connecter. I have done all that I can do.reinset the card.installed latest graphic card driver from amd site.but still not detected by my please help me bros.
  13. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards Graphic card not detected

    Please help me my graphic card its not detected by my pc.i have done everything right.updated new driver buy no .help Using windows 7 64 bit Hd 6670
  14. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards which graphic cards is for me?

    Please help me my graphic card its not detected by my pc.i have done everything right.updated new driver buy no .help Using windows 7 64 bit
  15. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards which graphic cards is for me?

    Got hd6670 of 5600ru. From local dealer ahmedabad.with 3 years warranty
  16. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards which graphic cards is for me?

    So I left here with no option then to buy hd 5670.and I had ordered ,corsair 2gb ram from bombay in. ebay but this rain puling off my nuts.still no shipping yet.
  17. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards which graphic cards is for me?

    still you think I should upgrade my psu for 6670Â0†7
  18. saurabh88

    Graphic Cards which graphic cards is for me?

    Guys hd 6670 is not available in gujarat right now and it s on ebay by the it ware shop costing it worth?
  19. saurabh88

    Want laptop for gaming.55k

    yes you are right.Every next release.Also cod series n nfs series.Ok. Let us compromise for full resolution after 2year.Mid resolution is ok