Search results

  1. M

    31-40k 6 year old Gaming PC revival

    The last PC i built was using TE's help so I'm back. I'm looking to the upgrade sometime end of jan/feb 2016, just beginning the research now. My main computer right now is a 2013 mbp which suffices for pretty much everything. Bought a PS4 thinking mbp + ps4 would be enough for gaming needs but...
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    FS: Desktops Core2Duo e7300, 4gb pi blacks, EVGA GTX260 Superclocked, Corsair 650TX

    A system I built a about 5 years ago which still runs like a beast. I don't game nearly enough anymore now a days and for whatever I do the laptop is enough. I rarely power this on anymore. It was last used for the Titan Fall beta which it played without a problem. Config: Proc: Core2Duo E7300...
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    21-30k Upgrades in Bangalore

    Hello! Been a long as time since I last posted in TE. I think... I'm planning on an upgrade, after 4 years, with a budget of about 30k or so.(less is better, more is acceptable) What I need advice/review on is whether this seems feasible and what's a good shop in Bangalore to go pick these up...
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    Fan controller, temp monitor?

    Being a control freak, I was looking for these two things. I have a about 4-6 fans which I need to control. On/off is necessary, but varying the speed is always better. Something simple and clean. Recommend something? Also I want to be able to monitor my case inner ambient temp, plus external...
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    CPU/Mobo 7c temp difference between cores.

    Pending show off with the new stuff just arrived, but was just tweaking my comp, learning it, testing it etc etc and I notice a consistent 5-7c difference between core 0 and core 1 in RealTemp. Is this normal? Running piblack 4gb, e7300, ud3r and gtx260 core 216 sc. I did a basic bump from...
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    PC Peripherals Ikonik Ra X10 Liquid

    Ikonik Ra X10 Liquid review :S me want....
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    1 ton AC recommendations?

    Hey, Need to buy a good VFM 1 ton AC really quick. I was avoiding it all these days because of excessive power usage and I'm kinda getting paranoid about the pollution/cfc/blah/blha.. but its getting hot. Don't want a split, have to replace an old crapped out assembled AC, so got the space et...
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    How is Mangalore?

    How is Mangalore for a city to live in? Lived in Mysore for a while, was ok considering Infy campus is kick ass to live in. But got bored towards the end. How is mangalore crowd? How's the computer market? lol Good pubs/restaurants for weekend entertainment? I know its a beach town and all, but...
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    Finally presentably completed.

    alsilog Its my blog/imagehost/script testing ground. I'm not very good with the writing thing, but I'm learning. The pic is me, the face is cut off as its supposed to signify the lazy/balls to everything attitude, rather than the person. Also the sketch effect really fcked up the face lol...
  10. M

    Laptops Laptop help for daily use/movies.

    Hey, A very good friend is looking to buy a laptop, budget is 60k-ish. The usage is mostly going to be daily office work with email/excel/word and I'd guess a decent bit of movie watching. I'm looking for a suggestion for something that has very good A.S.S considering he is the kinda guy who...
  11. M

    Wow wow wow... (amazing PC and amazing case mod)

    Oh... my... god! The reactor is... omgomgomgomg! This this is neat as hell. How come no links here earlier? HardcoreComputer's Reactor show case: YouTube - hardcore computer reactor (total liquid submersion pc) I don't really want this, but I feel like doing some kinda...
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    CPU/Mobo Sorta urgent: MSI P7N SLI Platinum + E7300

    How is the MSI P7N SLI Platinum for a motherboard? I'm getting a deal for MSI P7N SLI Platinum + E7300 + 650TX for 16k. Barely used, think its a sweet deal. The P7N is supposed to be a pretty good overclocker. A Gtx260 core 216 is on its way already, so in case I'd ever want to SLI I'm safe...
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    Invite Asia to Help Lead the World - Interesting read.

    Invite Asia to Help Lead the World -
  14. M

    CPU/Mobo palit p35a?

    Any thoughts on this board? Looking mobos priced at 4-5k. Think crossfire/sli 4 months down the lane. The Abit ip35-e is/was perfect, but everyone recommending against it since the company is dying. help!! I can't freakin decide the mobo, everything else is decided. And this is the only thing...
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    [WTB] Abit IP35-E or equivalent + PSU + GPU

    Looking for: - Abit ep35 or similar motherboard, which OC's well. Budget 5k-ish. Planning to run it with e7300/7400. - PSU of a reputed brand 450watts+. Budget 3k. - GPU equivalent to HD4850 or better. 7-12k. Thanks.
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    CPU/Mobo Cheap mobo for OCing e7400.

    Month end is here, and its salary time, finally will go buy the stuff if I can convince it sounds right. I was planning to get the e7400(6.2k Which is a good cheap motherboard to go with this that will OC it well? considering I'm a first time OCer, ease of use would also...
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    [FS] Guitar - KE3 Kelly copy with EMG 81/85

    I recently bought a new guitar, so I'm looking to sell my old baby. The guitar is a Jackson KE3 Kelly copy made by the custom guitar shop, Tansen. Its a 24 fret solid body with licensed floyd-rose. I got it 2nd hand for 9k, when the guitarist of Phenom(bangalore) decided to pick up drums, about...
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    Where can I sell a guitar?

    I recently bought a new guitar, so I'm looking to sell mine. I know there are lotsa 2nd hand listing online, but do you guys know which ones are more active? Should list it here in the market section? The guitar us a KE3 Kelly copy made by Tansen. A 24fret, I got it 2nd hand my self for 9k...
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    Monitors Driving a 40" LCD.

    How feasible is it to run a 40" LCD TV off a decent gaming rig? How does it work? Does it matter that its 40" or all the computer cares is about the resolution its being played at? I have a 40" VU. IF I could use that for gaming etc, then I could save the cash to be spent on the monitor on...
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    Twitter mobile problem.

    Anyone registered their mobile device for twitter? I've been trying to register my phone and nothing seems to happen. I registered the number, message the password, but I get no reply, no confirmation, and no notification no the twitter page. What am I doing wrong? I use Idea btw.