Search results

  1. manojkrishnaks a phishing site?

    Hi All, I had recieved an email from my BIL's gmail account a url "h**p://" to check it.Luckily i didnt login.Any one else got such emails?
  2. manojkrishnaks

    Storage Solutions CRC Error on external hard disk(Data recovery)

    Hi guys, my sis is having 1tb wd essential external hdd.She started getting crc error and hdd is not accessible.i asked her to run chkdsk -f on the drive, which got aborted at 70 percent and hdd health check software tells hdd is in bad health.Now how can we recover the data in the hard...
  3. manojkrishnaks

    Fixing broken cable of iem(Brainwav R1)

    Hi all, I m using brainwavz R1 iem from little more than a year.almost 6 month back the insulation of the cable at at the edge on the right ear plug started wearing off.Today the wire is cut completely. Is it possible to fix it anyways?
  4. manojkrishnaks

    0-20k Budget laptop upto 25k

    Hi guys i am looking for a laptop in the range of 20-25k Uses: Watching movies little bit of programming,may be eclipse software No gaming Os:Any Linux based mostly Ubuntu or mint I saw couple of Asus laptops on snapdeals...
  5. manojkrishnaks

    Android Ainol Hero:How to access pendrive via otg

    Hi guys, I hav ainol hero tab,n i want to connect pendrive to it via otg cable. Bur when i connect the cable its not getting detected.i checked in youtube,there was a video but its micromax tab.there was a option of scanning media in usb host option in that. I am not able to find it in...
  6. manojkrishnaks

    To All ACT BB Users: FUP Problem

    I know exists a separate thread for ACT BB discussion,I thought creating a thread will grab more attention.From last few months i was facing problem that when i complete 80% of my usage the speed will be reduced.All i did was send them a mail with screenshot of usage and the speedtest result.But...
  7. manojkrishnaks

    ACT Broadband New plans,Now speed Upto 25Mbps

    Act Broadband has revised the plans for bangalore users,Speeds seems to be awesome but i ll miss Double premium plan which has 2 Mbps post FUP Plan Name Speed Monthly Tariff FUP Speed After FUP ACT Freedom 2 Mbps 649 20 GB 256 Kbps ACT Liberty 2 Mbps 799 30 GB 512 Kbps ACT Privilege...
  8. manojkrishnaks

    Can any one explain this code snippet

    Hi all, i came across this code snippet void main() { int a[2][3][2]={{{1,2},{9,8},{3,7}},{{2,2},{1,4},{5,4}}}; printf("\n%d%d%d",a[1]-a[0],a[1][0]-a[0][0],a[1][0][0]-a[0][0][0]); } The answer is 3 6 1 can anyone explain why it is 3 6 1
  9. manojkrishnaks

    From which site to purchase Xperia U

    Hi posting this thread on behalf of my friend,he wants to purchase Xperia u Online.He is confused about from which site to purchase. In TRADUS its available for 13695 in HS18 for 15489, in sulekha 14199 and in Ebay around 15k after applying discount coupons.Only HS18 has COD for his location. He...
  10. manojkrishnaks

    Missed call from a strange no starting with +37*********

    Hi guys, i just got a missed call from a no starting with +37********, just one ring. When i searched about the No,many ppl wrote that its a fraud call and 45rs will get deducted from your account!!!:scared14: Anyone else has similar experience here?
  11. manojkrishnaks

    Which tablet to purchase Confusion

    Guys i am planning buy a tablet from long time now.every day new tablet is coming to market or rumour of new tabs basic need is to browse and watch movies.initially i thought i ll go for veedee d10,later i saw in their blog that they ll launch new ips screen tab.Now they launched onda...
  12. manojkrishnaks

    Belkin N600 router at 813/- at Flipkart!

    Hi friends i just found this router for 813/- where as ebay is selling for 4k,those who are looking for routers its a reat deal i think
  13. manojkrishnaks

    Car & Bike Vehicle: Bajaj Pulsar 180 (2011)

    Name: Bajaj Pulsar 180 (2011) Date Added: 17 January 2012 - 02:57 PM Owner: manojkrishnaks Short Description: This is my first bike,got it last year.getting the mileage around 35-40km View Vehicle
  14. manojkrishnaks

    Suggest a good speaker for 5k

    Hello guys, Next month i am planning a buy a speakers for my system,my budget is 5k.previous i had altec lansing v2421,basic usage is for watching movies ,please suggest a good speakers friends.
  15. manojkrishnaks

    Suggest me a laptop pls : ~30k

    1. What's my Budget? - Strictly less the 30k 2. What will be my primary usage for the notebook be? - Web surfing, watching movies,may be casual gaming,siebel crm installation 3. What size and weight considerations do I have? - 14' or 15.6' inch 4. Any brand that I prefer, or any brand that I...
  16. manojkrishnaks

    Bom Sabado

    There is a worm named Bom Sabado spreading in orkut..i jus lost my account :(..i just opened my scrap my prof sent scraps to all my friend .
  17. manojkrishnaks

    zagg 50% discount and ipad give away contest

    guys check out zagg site for this contest.. i just got a 50% discount valid upto 31july 2010 check this link Gadget Giveaway @mod pls move this thread to appropriate place
  18. manojkrishnaks

    Monitors Acer monitor spare part

    guys i have acer AL1515 model monitor..its almost 4 year monitor's power supply board is not able to find spare for it...if anyone got same board pls contact me thanks
  19. manojkrishnaks

    project idea for final year engg

    hi guys. im studying in 3rd yr engg I.T. branch.. pls help to find some good project idea for my final year project.. i have to submit the idea to the dept. by 21 may.. thank you
  20. manojkrishnaks

    Graphic Cards pls suggest me a graphic card

    hi guys im planning to buy a graphics budget is strictly below 4k i dont play much games but i watch lots of movies and serials... here is my config monitor benqE2200 proccy/mobo e7300/d31pr smps circle 400w i guess .it came along with cabinet