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  1. K

    PC Peripherals Suggest AMD rig, budget 22k~

    this is th Phenom II x2 550
  2. K

    PC Peripherals Suggest AMD rig, budget 22k~

    well lets see i could be wrong, with VAT Phenom II x2 550 - 5000k MSI 790GX g65 - 7500k 2x1 Patriot DDR3 Ram - 3200k radeon 4850- 6000-9000 range m in a hurry so calculate
  3. K

    CPU/Mobo Which mobo to unlock my PII X2 550BE 0922APMW ?

    stay on ddr2, MSI DKA790GX or ASUS some M4a78
  4. K

    Post your in-game screenshots & gameplay videos

    Re: The post your in-game screenshot's thread here it is crysis warhead Imageshack - crysis2009011611040505 Imageshack - crysis2009011611040743 Imageshack - crysis2009011611041003
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    CPU/Mobo AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE unlocking guide

    yay done it CPU-Z Validator 3.1
  6. K

    CPU/Mobo Suggest 785G mobo & CPU

    790gx chipset with amd phenom II x2 550 BE CPU-Z Validator 3.1 core unlocks with ACC and CPU VDD to 1.4 and NB to 1.35
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    CPU/Mobo e7500 vs phenom2 550be

    i think this core unlocking will change your mind CPU-Z Validator 3.1
  8. K

    OC & Modding Post your overclocks !

    not ready to OC yet, DDR3 ram issues with stability, but Phenom II x2 unlocked core CPU-Z Validator 3.1
  9. K

    CPU/Mobo the new nforce 780 and 750 chipsets unveiled!!!

    Hi guys you should know that, Nvidia has just launched the new nForce 780i SLI, the first chipset that fully supports the so-called enthusiasts system architecture (ESA). Initially designed for heavy overclocking, the company has lowered the chipset audience because of multiple issues with their...