Search results

  1. M

    32 Bit Vista 3GB not 4GB?

    @orange, 32 bit OS only can support to a max of 3 GB RAM, even though you have 4GB installed. I had the same issue too. Go get a 64 bit OS and you can utilize full 4GB!
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    Linux Linux Screenshot Directory!

    Here is the link... The Coding Studio Linux Screenshots | The Leader in Linux Screenshots | Screen Shots of Linux Distributions | Linux Screenshot Gallery
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    Linux Linux Screenshot Directory!

    Guys, stumbled upon a useful link which has a screenshot directory of all Linux distro's. One can easily compare the appearance of each distro's. Just thought it would be useful...:cool2:
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    Awesome wallpapers!

    great link man....
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    Firefox no longer a memory hog

    Just wondering why the safari graph for safari stopped in between. May b it crashed during the test.. :D Installed beta 4 yesterday. Loved the looks.. Yet to explore the features...
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    Firefox no longer a memory hog

    I'm downloading ff3 b4... :)
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    Registry Scanners

    I second Hacker. i have tried many registry tools and I can say that CCcleaner does the job well. If u really wana try playing around with registry, i would suggest to take a backup of the registry. Manual for this can be found here
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    hey guys.

    Hi mathyou.. warm welcome.. im also a newbie like you and im really enjoing my stay.. .. im sure u gonna have a nice time too..
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    Aero Glass Media Player in XP ...<showoff>

    @radical, i guess the thread got "a bit more" atention :) Waiting for the tutorial....
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    Fs: MSI NX8800GT OC

    Its too tempting for me too.. But can help.. im last in the line :(
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    FS: Intel E2140 dual core, 3 ghz @ 1.3v

    Is it a core2 duo or pentium D processor?
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    CPU/Mobo Suggest a cheap AGP supported mobo

    Sell the AGP card off if u get a decent quote and get a good PCI card+mobo combination. Im sure there will be guys who are ready to buy..
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    FS:Rapidshare account for sale

    How much does it cost for a new RS account?
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    User Guides LONELY PLANET, For Graphic Cards

    Repped! Thanx for the guide. But i wonder if the prices are still the same..
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    User Guides Computing Trends '08 Part II

    Nice Work. Repped!
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    User Guides Linux for absolute beginners..

    Good work buddy. Appreciate your efforts. I'm soon planning to get one of these installed in my comp too.. Now who's gonna write a tutorial for intermediate users? :D
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    Hi friends.. I'm from bangalore, a newbie to this site, just joined today. One of my friend suggested me to TE and this place looks so cool. Looking forward for some fun out here.. :) Regards.