Search results

  1. paarkhi

    Any Netflix Account sharing groups on TE ?

    sent pm for a slot
  2. paarkhi

    Any Netflix Account sharing groups on TE ?

    Do you still have a slot? Friend is interested
  3. paarkhi

    Usb/bt speaker for zoom/ teams calls

    Sorry for OT but how do you manage your Tinnitus? it has started for me from last 15 days very high pitch and very loudly, I also had it in 2017 but from then it was barely noticeable.
  4. paarkhi

    10-15K Mobile phone for a 75 yrs old family member

    Questions:- 1. Budget? A: Below 16K 2. Preferred display size, type and resolution? A: AMOLED, FHD and above 3. Preferred operating system? (Android (with version), iOS, Windows Phone etc). A: Android 11 or above 4. Preferred connectivity options? (4G, 3G, 2G etc). A: 4G 5. Do you have any...
  5. paarkhi

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    it's cousin's phone, he want to shift to Apple ecosystem :)
  6. paarkhi

    (NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

    How much can I expect for Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra purchased in Aug 2021 (Still in warranty) with valid bill for 12GB/256GB? Black colour
  7. paarkhi

    Do you use Ad-block (uBlock,Abp, etc) software?

    what is L2 configuration and can you please give me a link or guide of it, thanks
  8. paarkhi

    Windows 11 Leaked

    for most of the win 10, 8, 7.1 users it will be a free upgrade
  9. paarkhi

    Why are you on Techenclave? What do you use it for?

    I joined for tech related stuff, also joined E but it turned out to be mostly market related stuff and members here are more friendly. Glad to see all the long time members here, I don't post much but I have come across the posts of most of the members who have posted in this thread. :)
  10. paarkhi

    Why are you on Techenclave? What do you use it for?

    You definitely one among them (join date 2007) :) mine is 2010
  11. paarkhi

    0-10K Suggest android mobile for a 70 year old

    check Samsung M21 + sAmoled + hugh battery + no s**t ads ok..ish processor for normal usage.
  12. paarkhi

    Got diagnosed with COVID - 19

    Get well soon, did you have to pay anything for the hospital ?
  13. paarkhi

    Why am I tagged as anti Indian?

    No matter whether educated or an illiterate, when they run out of logical arguments, they start attacking personally, it satisfies their ego to hurt another, just ignore such people and move forward.
  14. paarkhi

    WTB Looking for a Netflix account, if someone is willing to share, will pay check here, more chances that you get a group with an open slot
  15. paarkhi

    Advice for buying a tablet- Surface Go or iPad Mini/Air

    I'm also from windows and Android camp but when it comes to tablet then there's no other name than Apple, you can go with Apple for better smooth experience, good choice of gaming (unlike windows and surface go). All in all I'd go with Apple if I were in your place and searching for a tablet.
  16. paarkhi

    Rest in Peace Udit

    May God give his family the strength to bear the loss and RIP Udit :cry:
  17. paarkhi

    15-20K K20 or Nokia 7.2?

    K20 seems better in many aspects like sAmoled apart from bezel less, cpu, battery capacity, fast charging, etc... (as you already said), software updates are not bad in redmi k20 (may not be like Nokia)
  18. paarkhi

    English TV series discussion

    Any other such english tv series on netflix?