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  1. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    Excited to hear that you're satisfied. The pricing plan of ExplorerMax: 1-year license costs $9.95, lifetime license costs 39.95. To be honest, since you've got a 1-year license, it will also work on PhotoMax's future paid functions. Remember that it's still a beta version and not perfect now...
  2. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    ExplorerMax has been released. What's New 1. Added PhotoMax as the first supported plugin. 2. Fixed some unknown bugs. (Double click issue has been solved.) Notice: PhotoMax 1.0 is our first try on plugins. It aims to help users manage photos by simple editing, adding to...
  3. Lazyhoody

    Google has released "May 2020 Core Update".

    Google has released "May 2020 Core Update". It seems lots of game sites and related are facing a rank-slide issue overnight. SEO is harder and harder.
  4. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    When you copy or paste sth, you are using the system file explorer. ExplorerMax doesn't change anything. A copying error may occur due to various reasons. For sure, we'll keep trying to find if it's our bug. Here is my PC screenshot and the same for the rest team members. It's very fast (And...
  5. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    Hey, thanks for your feedback. For your file transfer, I don't think it's our program's bug. = = ExplorerMax doesn't suspend anything normally. You may check your file log or sth. For [Double-click to a back], it's definitely a real bug! So sorry about that. The programmer Lynn won't get his...
  6. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    Well, does it happen occasionally or frequently? Have you tried to end ExplorerMax.exe to see if any changes occur? Or end explorer.exe and restart it by creating a new explorer.exe. (Notice: explorer.exe is the system process led by Windows File Explorer.) Normally, on my Win10, these two just...
  7. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    Looking forward to your user experience sharing and suggestions~ 1587551531 So glad to hear that you like some of ExplorerMax's features. As for providing folder size, actually I requested this feature before due to the same reason. Here is the reply from our tech team: if we choose to show...
  8. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    If not so many, you may share the code in the post with them. It hasn't been used up yet. LOL... And personally, I like timeline and search since both of them have classified results. Wish you a good day! Take care~
  9. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    So proud of you. How many licenses do your guys need? For COVID19 fighting group, I can arrange 1-year license giveaway for your group as long as it's a little bit useful.
  10. Lazyhoody

    Events & Meets Giveaway of ExplorerMax: 100 1-year license for this tabbed file manager

    Hi TE Friends, This is Skylar from a software company OSToto. Our team has developed a great program called ExplorerMax. It's a smart file manager for Windows users. We've updated it for several versions and got no enough feedback yet. So here, I want to post a free 1-year giveaway code in TE...
  11. Lazyhoody

    What productivity tools are you using in 2020?

    Xmind -- a great tool to help generate mind maps. (PC & APP) ExplorerMax -- A tabbed Windows file manager in Chrome Style. (PC) Forest -- Get out of control of social media. (app) Tomato List -- Set a specific time for things and stay focused. (app)
  12. Lazyhoody

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Little Women 8/10 Great and fun!
  13. Lazyhoody

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    The Invisible Man - 6/10 Thrilled by the sudden sounds in the peace. However, the first half is good to present the horror and the rest is just not creative at all. No surprise and no fear.
  14. Lazyhoody


    Hi, This is Lazyhoody. Newbie here! Hope to learn something and share great stuff with your guys.