
  1. D

    Should I go for masters in Europe?

    Hi I'm thinking about getting a master's in Europe. I'm looking at a couple of programs in Germany France the Netherlands and Sweden. One year program. I already have a master's from the Netherlands in data science and I have 8 years of experience in total. Does it make sense to get a...
  2. R

    Misuse of Technology for Academic fraud: Indian student with Fake Marksheets and Fake Death Certificate deported from the US

    Aryan Anand, who identified himself as a liar on his anonymous Reddit post (The screenshots of which are attached herein), has been successfully tracked and deported back to India. If posing as the school principal, faking school mails and faking certificates were not enough, this guy went ahead...
  3. G

    FS: Others Texas Instruments BA II Plus

    I know not the best place to sell this, but I don't know where else to try. This was bought 4 years ago when I had registered for FRM. (I don't remember the exact date and can't recall where I bought it from. So no invoice either.) Unfortunately that never panned out and I sunk a lot of money...
  4. calvin1719

    Is it worth it to go to education fairs etc if you're looking to study abroad?

    From what I know, there is nothing useful that comes from these fairs etc. from companies like EdVoy, Upgrad, EdWise... Has anyone been to these and is the fair worth my time? As far as I know, they say representatives from unis are there but I have a had time believing unis send reps just for...
  5. ememm

    FS: Others Terasic DE1 - Altera Cyclone 2 FPGA development and educational board

    Bought from a friend around 2014/15 when he upgraded his board. Was imported from Singapore because FPGA kits were not available online during that period. Intention was to learn FPGA development and implement a music visualizer over VGA. But didn't get around doing it. Lying unused from then...
  6. trunks.2k

    DEVOPS Road Map

    Hi, If you are getting into DEVOPS or want to get in, then here is the road map. NOTE: Certain DevOps tools are subjective to the hiring company's requirements. Initial start with basics and then go with advanced. Basics: 1. Linux (basics) Note: OS knowledge is a must. 2. shell scripting...
  7. Stronk

    Funding Master's from a US university

    Hi all, Hope you are doing well. I have been lucky enough to be accepted to my top choice for master's degree in a US university, but the fees are insanely expensive. Apart from applying for scholarships (Inlaks, Sekhsaria, Tata Endowment, etc), I also wanted to know if anyone here is familiar...
  8. Digigear

    What do you think are some of the fundamental problems with the way education happens in India?

    I run a non-profit based in Chennai. We are very keen on working towards reforming education and our non-profit is at the very early stages. Right now we are seeking to initiate discussions on what needs to change and what kinds of solutions people have in mind regarding those problems. So what...
  9. Veek M

    What's the average age of people on TechEnclave and Erodov - how come Indian colleges don't have their own board/forum?

    So I was wondering because I had a basic question in Chemistry and I didn't want to use r/Chemistry (reddit) or Freenode. Is there a board frequented by Indian students (that is fully functional and popular) where you could ask questions and such? I am guessing the bandwidth costs would be a...
  10. 10daneces

    Hello Tech Enclave

    Hello Everyone, As I welcome by Tech Enclave I want to say Thank You To Tech Enclave to making me part of the Tech Enclave Family. so now I Can share my Knowledge and Experience to the Tech Enclave..
  11. M

    The Indian Education system : Is it depriving our children from being future ready?

    Ref : Came across this article. It articulates well (at least what I found) where we lack. Those still studying. do you find institution/staff/students discuss merits/demerits of current system and ways...