internet dongle

  1. A

    Suggestion for Internet device/dongle

    Hello Friends I have internet connection (from local operator) at home and I used it for everything from official work to watch OTT contents on TV.Its connection is good , but some days it gets disconncted .And now this happens every 15-20 days for x/y/z reasons which is beyond my control. As i...
  2. darylemmanuel

    FS: Others JioFi M2

    For Sale ! Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL:JioFi 2 M2 Expected Price: SOLD..!! Source and Time of Purchase: Gift, Feb 2018. Reason for Sale: Not of much use. RMA/Servicing history: Never serviced/RMA'd. Product Condition: Fuctionally and Cosmetically 10/10. Purchase Invoice...