
  1. 1


    Hi I am Sandeep. I recently joined this forum. I was made aware of this website by a friend. Hope to have a good time in the future.
  2. chasedup

    Hey everyone!

    Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. I'm chasedup, I work in Product Background, have a lot of varied interests in tech and for that, I would like to use the Marketplace from time to time. I'm especially interested in GPUs and handheld retro devices, currently rocking a Trimui Brick...
  3. PotBelliedGarfield


    Hello everyone! I'm PotBelliedGarfield. This is my first post. I am happy to be part of this forum. Looking forward to learning from all of you and contributing to some great discussions!
  4. kingkaribean

    Hi, I'm KingKaribean!

    Hey everyone! I'm KingKaribean, but you can also call me Hilsa. Originally from Punjab, I grew up in the Philippines after my family moved there when I was just around 3 years old. We recently came back to India, and I'm super excited to be a part of one of the most active and best tech...
  5. adeshkustwar

    New here and want a deal

    Hi I am new here and I found this website browsing online for used gpus hope i get a deal here and dont get scammed smh. I just joined for the marketplace if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me.
  6. A

    New Member Introduction

    Hey people, Aadil here. A tech enthusiast with somewhat intermediate programming knowledge and interest in recent growth of AI models and reasoning. I also had few questions to ask so thought about posting here I know that initial 25 posts are moderated but I did try to participate in a thread...
  7. excelblaze

    New member introduction

    Hello guys, I am a data analyst by profession and part time gaming and tech hobbiest. I currently have an aging pc with 1660super as gpu and ps5 as active machines for casual gaming and entertainment use. I am also a motorcyclist with average photography and videography skills. In cameras I...
  8. N3r_0

    Heya, TE

    Name's Nero, happy to be here. I'm a big fan of indie games (since that's about all I can run with my dinky little laptop :P) but I'm edging my way towards more graphically intensive stuff soon. Hoping to look through the marketplace and see what all the fuss is about and maybe have a few fun...
  9. wijaykumar

    Intro post

    Hello everyone! I am a machine learning expert. I joined this community to give and get help. Plz welcome me
  10. sai991

    Hello Techenclave Community

    Hello Everyone, First of all thank you for having me here. About myself: -I am from Goa but now I have shifted to Pune, Maharashtra for career reasons and its been 7 years. -Like tech mostly related to gaming and how it is transforming and shaping the new games and I like to play those games...
  11. S

    Hi! I am a developer and tech enthusiast!

    Hi Everybody! I am a tech enthusiast, and enjoy development, hardware and technology in general. I would like to engage with the community here, and eventually use the marketplace as well. I work mainly in Python, Rust and C/C++/Linux. I game occasionally. Willing to help anyone in need of...
  12. K

    Hi there

    Hello, I recently found out about this community from reddit. I love gaming and tech as a whole so looking forward to some fruitful discussions about the same. See you around.
  13. the_time_reaper

    Hello World!!

    Hello to everyone at Techenclave. Looking forward to a lot of trades. One question though, can anyone guide me on where to start. I wanted to buy something on the Buy Sell Trade page but any comment I make requires moderator approval. Any help regarding this would be great!! Thanks and Regards.
  14. zestyregnum

    Namaste everyone

    Hello everyone! I'm excited to join this community. As a CS student in India, I've been searching for a place where I can connect with fellow tech enthusiasts who share similar experiences and perspectives. While international tech forums have been helpful, I often felt something was missing -...
  15. D

    Darshan Hiranandani Introduction new group member

    Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well! I'm excited to introduce myself as the newest member of this vibrant community. My name is Darshan Hiranandani, and I am thrilled to join as a Software Engineer. A bit about me: Professional Background: I have 1 years of experience in software...
  16. nonbridge762

    Hello everybody

    Is it just me or is this website a bit too restrictive to newcomers, kinda surprised it still alive
  17. S

    Greetings Tech Enthusiasts! [TE]

    Hey TE Community, Exited to be a part of this great space. I'm @signup1 a enthusiastic who finds joy in exploring the world of technology. Looking forward to connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts, sharing experiences, and gaining valuable insights. Drop a comment or shoot me a message – I'd...
  18. A

    Hello TE members

    Hello everyone, It's been a slightly delayed introduction, have become member sometime back. Found interesting post on variety of topics, plus the market place intrigued me to join. Would like to contribute to Tech Enclave community and get feedback on various topics from other members. Hope to...
  19. Pixcelz

    Hey All,

    Anag Here, I am based out of Mumbai. This is a forum with a very diverse community and wellbeing. Gaming, Music, and Storage Electronics are some of the topics I am interested in. I feel like this forum would be a great opportunity to express and expand my interests. It will also help me...
  20. S

    Hello from Bengaluru

    Hi everyone, I am Kirthi. I am based out of Bengaluru. This is one of the forums with very diverse topics. Consumer electronics, Home automation and Home audio/video are some of the topics I would be interested in. I am sure this forum would be a great resource for me.