
  1. renoir


    Hi everyone. I'm not exactly new here, have been lurking around for a few months. Someone recommended me this place on Reddit, at /r/IndianGaming. Finally decided to create an account, as I do have a few things to sell in future. Also looking to buy stuff when needed. I am a developer by...
  2. bhuvi

    Hey! I'm not new.

    Yeah, my account was made in 2017. I bought one awesome Corsair mechanical keyboard here in 2018 maybe. But I can't seem to move beyond the 'your comment is awaiting moderator approval' stage. So this is me trying to rack up some trophy points so that I can buy the monitors I'm eyeing. Also...
  3. rpalpha

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone, so I joined this forum when I found a awesome deal and grabbed it asap. Since then I have been spending a lot of time browsing to different sections and have been loving it so far. First of all thank you everyone for making this a awesome place the community here feels really...
  4. invokker555


    Simply wanted to say hey to all here. It is my 1st message here. It truly seems like the moderators connected with this website certainly do a great job. I want to learn tons of things here also I will help other members as much as I can.
  5. demon1

    hello everyone

    hey so i just joined techenclave today looking forward to meet new awesome helpful people and grab the eyecandy deals.i have an active user of erodov made some great deals there but i don't what happened to that website so my search lead me here to the tech enclave hope to share the same...
  6. abdlimran

    New Member Introduction

    Hello everyone, I am Imran, I am a new member of this awesome forum. I am a newbie web developer and tech lover, hope I will get help from this forum.
  7. AliceMartin

    New at Tech Enclave community

    Hey Community Members, Hope you are doing great at home in this crucial Covid-19 crisis. I’m Alice Martin. I’m a web developer living in India. I am a fan of technology, design, and entrepreneurship. I’m also interested in writing and programming. Hope This journy will be wonderful and...
  8. AnirudhSingh

    Hey Everyone : )

    Hey guys! I am Anirudh. I have been a member for a few days, but haven't introduced myself yet so here I am. I would try to be helpful to everyone whenever possible. I look forward to being a part of this community!
  9. ezio16

    Hello Geeks

    I'm a new addition in this tech family. About me, I love to game (in my PC) and be updated with all latest technology in Computer world and Mobile phones. I would like to be showered with tech expertise from all the geeks here for my questions and opinions (silly or not ;)). Thanks for having me...
  10. Vinborris

    Rytsas (Hello)

    Hello techenclave family, I am Vin Borris from the Westeros (basically NJ, US). I am a technology lover and joining this forum to improve and share my knowledge. I work at the Night's Watch for brand promotion and generation of recruits (leads). Let's join the forces! (I am a GOT fan) Hail...
  11. undertalvar


    Hi, New to PC building. After venturing through reddit and pcpartpicker(and not getting any Indian market specific help) I've decided to join this community(which I should have done in the first place. But oh well!). For the past 2-3 weeks I've been reading a lot on PC gaming parts(still a bit...
  12. WillAlt


    To Introduce, my name is Will, computer and technology enthusiast
  13. Ishtiyaq Husain


    Hello everyone, I am Ishtiyaq from Kanpur, UP. I am a Software Engineer You can find more about me on Thanks!
  14. R

    introduce myself

    hi guys im Reid Cad, 23 years of old , im from country of Philippines
  15. Ubed Thaheem

    who am i?

    Hello everyone.. Hope you will fine. its Me Ubed Thaheem, from Hyderabad, Pakistan. i am a web and Graphic designer. i am member of many computing forums, & now "Techneclave" is part of that forums. :) Hope you will welcome me..
  16. Riyaz Alam

    A warm hello to everyone here

    Hi Guys, I have just started here at TE, excited to learn and participate in great discussions.
  17. SrkOnline

    Hi Everyone !!

    Hello, this is Srk, new member in TechEnclave forums. I love to share and discuss latest tech news and innovations happening in India. I am mostly interested in consumer electronics, telecommunications, mobile OS such as WinPhone/ Android, tech startups and Internet stuff. Looking forward for...
  18. A


    So I came here on a friend's recommendation. What up guys? I hope I can make myself useful here a the forum. Greetings to all.