
  1. Giridegr8

    Aqara Lineup

    Attaching a pricelist for majority of the Aqara products available in India, Will update the list as we start listing newer products. TE Pricelist Please DM for Bulk pricing / Whole home pricing We provide complimentary installation services for door locks. And remote support over the phone...
  2. Giridegr8

    FS: Others Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor

    Up for sale is a brand new unused (except for testing if it works properly) Aqara FP2 presence sensor Package includes an USB cable, manual, sensor, wall mount metal plate and a double side tape. Also providing a 45 degree mount that I 3D printed for enabling corner mount solution. Integrates...
  3. MarioBros

    FS: Others IoT Smart Devices

    Selling few Smart devices 1). Syska 12W B22D Wi-Fi Smart Bulb (1 no) - Currently running on ESPHome Custome Firmware (local control - out of cloud) Price - 500₹ 2). SONOFF MINIR2 – Wi-Fi Wireless Switch (3 nos) - Currently running on Tasmota Custome Firmware (local control - out of cloud)...
  4. iosoft

    IoT Hardware Help: which 433MHZ RF Transmitter Module + Receiver Module?

    Hello, I need suggestion on which 433MHZ RF Transmitter Module + Receiver Module to buy for good performance and range? There are many models from Rs 70/- to Rs 500/- with all mixed reviews as they are all chinese. Pls suggest
  5. jmaniac

    WTB Raspberry Pi Display

    Want to buy any Raspberry Pi Display size greater than 3.5" and lesser than 7". DM me your offers.
  6. rahuljawale

    FS: Others Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 coordinator

    SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Pro Product link: In good condition, but what you see is what you get. I lost the micro-usb cable and the reset pin so all you get is the device, box and manual. Serial pins were soldered (pic 4) Flashed with Tasmota...
  7. rahuljawale

    FS: Others Broken smart switches, lights, Ubiquiti mFi hardware, and more.

    Item name: Smart switches and smart lights Reason for Sale: Out of use, broken, selling for parts Product condition: 2/5 Purchase Date: 2016 Remaining Warranty period: N/A Invoice Available: No Expected price: 400/- for the lot. Notes: Yeelight stopped working few weeks back. The Wipro light...
  8. superczar

    FS: Others Amazon Ring Doorbell

    FS is an amazon ring video doorbell. Please read description in detail. This has been in constant production use at my home for the last 3.5 years. This also means that the physical appearance of the doorbell is far from pristine as it's exposed to the elements. Please see pictures for details...
  9. valar007

    FS: Others Multiple Items [Bangalore Local Only, All negotiable, Distress sale]

    Please read the following: All items listed below are available in Bangalore only. No shipping. Pick up from Jayanagar (560041) or I can drop it off in areas 10kms from Jayanagar. Dunzo/Swiggy Genie costs on the buyer. All are in working condition unless specified No warranty for any item. If...
  10. shadowD

    Anyone using Homeassistant as an IoT platform?

    Hi, I would like to know if you guys are using Homeassistant as IoT platform and what are to compatible devices currently available in the Indian market? Is there a special website that keeps track of such devices? If not Home assistant, what other alternative would you suggest?
  11. napstersquest

    FS: Others NodeMCU ESP8266 Boards (CH340G)

    10 units total. These have the CH340G USB to TTY IC. The boards I designed used the NodeMCU boards with CP2102 IC, and these boards don't fit on it as they are wider. Bought these at ₹221.9 each including tax. Selling them at ₹1600 shipped together or 160*n + shipping for 3-9 boards.
  12. jmaniac

    WTB Wemos D1 Mini ESP32

    As the title says, I need the ESP32 mini in the Wemos D1 mini form factor. I may need more than one. Please PM your offers. I have the other regular ESP32. Refer attached. Bunp
  13. GeeBee007

    FS: Others IOT stuff (ESP,Relays,etc)

    1. ESP8266 NodeMCU x2 Price - 500 for both 2. Arduino Uno R3 Price - 300 3. Arduino Pro Micro Price - 500 New link -...
  14. GeeBee007

    FS: Others CT clamp for measuring current

    It is a device which can be used to monitor current flowing through a wire without cutting it. Just connect it to a arduino/Esp. Also giving a 3.5mm connector Not even used once since the project it was meant for was dropped. Product link -...
  15. S

    FS: Others Raspberry Pi Zero W & IOT starter Kit includes ESP 32, ESP 8266 and FM module

    Pi Zero W with enclosure - 1500/- tested Used for Moode music player testing include: Pi Zero W and enclosure IoT starter kit - 1500k Esp 32 WIFI - tested ESP 8266 WIFI - tested TEA5767 Stereo FM Radio Module - Tested can you use it for local radio tuning and controlled Relay - Never used...
  16. Dilbersha

    FS: Home Audio Video Lenovo Smart Clock with Google Assistant for sale

    I got this bundled with laptop
  17. interstellar-sama

    WTB Development boards

    Looking to get a development board. Preferably STM32 (Dsicovery e.t.c.), or Chinese huawei based too. Pi or alternative boards will also work. Aliexpress shipping will take time, hence need to get locally. Used in good condition is fine.
  18. D

    Car & Bike IoT Insurace?

    Hey guys, I've heard a bit of a new age vehicle insurance company called Acko that is looking to develop solutions to deliver Insuretech by integrating IoT for telematic systems, helping insurers to accurately map the location and speed of a specific vehicle, offering constant real-time data...
  19. V

    Algorithms that change farmers' lives

    Hi all, creating this thread to discuss on technology, products and trends that are changing the agriculture and farmer's lives for good. We can discuss about Agri-tech startups, IOT and interesting ideas that enable farmers