PC Peripherals 0xc0000001 ERROR in New PC

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When I Started to install Windows 7 on my new PC after coming from shop,i got this error

winload.exe missing or corrupt
please help i urgently neeed it by friday

PS - bios shows RAM,HDD,DVDrw

My HDD Is unformatted..Brand new.No OS is there....
Xp also gives Me a BSOD
After loading files finishes and the Choose partition Screen Is about to come

Please Please help me

Config :

Athlon II x4 630

2 GB DDR3 Corsair

BIostar TA785G3

1TB WD GReen

LG sata DVd RW

PS Tried USB Xp installation also
Re: [URGENT]0xc0000001 ERROR in New PC Please help

Your installation media is currupt.. either that or the dvd writer has issues reading the media.

the error also comes when/if using modified win7 ISO. (checksum failure)
Re: [URGENT]0xc0000001 ERROR in New PC Please help

madnav said:
Your installation media is currupt.. either that or the dvd writer has issues reading the media.

the error also comes when/if using modified win7 ISO. (checksum failure)
But I also tried USB Xp install...got BSOD there also....
Re: [URGENT]0xc0000001 ERROR in New PC Please help


It is just a way to trouble shoot. Not that forever you will have to work with one module. At least get the install in place, rest we can take forward later on.
Re: [URGENT]0xc0000001 ERROR in New PC Please help

Disable quickboot if present in BIOS and check for any RAM failure.
Re: [URGENT]0xc0000001 ERROR in New PC Please help

Problem Solved...The RAM was Faulty...Replaced...Works Like a charm now....Will Show Off Soon....
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