The Trumps & Elon tweets thread (Had to make this since it's never ending)


^he's retweeted what that author said. Hmm, so is this how he's going to play it.

Trump Z.jpg

^When you're in a hole stop digging. Antagonising him won't work.

Minerals deal was Z's idea to begin with. His grand idea to keep the US involved in the conflict and he is willing to part with half the minerals or whatever his country produces.
Should add that Z's ploy with the minerals deal is to trap the US into providing a security guarantee.

Thing is Trump has flat out refused to offer any security guarantee

Luzyanin said the main symbol of American foreign policy was Trump’s “insane, enormously long signature,” and that Trump was “sawing through the Western world.”

Host Yevgeny Popov quipped that Trump was doing Russia’s job for it.

“We wanted to saw the Western world into pieces, but he decided to saw through it himself,” Popov said.
Should add that Z's ploy with the minerals deal is to trap the US into providing a security guarantee.

Thing is Trump has flat out refused to offer any security guarantee
Z wants some military enforcement atleast from his perspective while Trump says US presence would be a security guarantee enough both needs to find common ground in this.