1 Dollar now just 42.74 Rupees (April 6th)

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Well India's debts will have lowered considerably on account of this...Should affect general consumer products in a nice way too.

Im getting sm stuff frm abroad and this exchange rate was a pleasant surprise...
wait what does that mean???
Well for peeps earning from outside money, it will bring less money for every dollar earned :( . But i think its because of weak dollar and partly due to anti inflationary measures our dudes are taking.
tits affecting exporter alot..........now indian products are consider expensive in foreign market......so rbi and banks will try to keep the value ard 43-45.....so that exporters not affected much..also companies like tcs and all also affected as they are paid in dollar..and they get less money......
Indias debt will be lesser by a dozen thousand crores rupees or so compared to 2006 beginning....
^ Firstly those are standard rates, no CC company will ever convert at that :P

Secondly, their gonna shoot back upto around 44-45 thanks to frickin awesome anti-inflammatory measures like increasing base interest rate by 50 points... by this moronic government.

Moral of the story : Sonia Gandhi is a good for nothing b***h :|
Anish said:
Sonia Gandhi is a good for nothing b***h :|
She is a nobody, elevated to the rank of The Queen of India(TM) because of the jerks otherwise known as politicians and "intellectuals". Now she is ruling over this country with the help of a humble-but-spineless-bureaucrat-PM and a bunch of lunatics like Laloo - only because she belongs to the @#$%^& Nehru-Gandhi family and partly because she's a "white female"*. I mean, WTF? If this is democracy, I'd much rather prefer something else.

Not only this. That a$$hole SOAB Rahul baba is being "projected" as the future PM (read "King") of this country - and the "aam junta" doesn't seem to be bothered with this.

This country is seriously doomed, unless a strong patriotic group takes over the parliament and throws all politicians to prisons for life, and slays the whole of the N-G family so we don't have to cope with any Kings-Queens in future.

* - We can't undermine the unconcious sexual attraction of numerous a$$holes towards her. Even when Rajiv was alive, congressmen referred to his wife as "Italian Marble" in parliament. "God shave the Queen"
^ Well the J&K issue is *ONLY* because of Rajiv Gandhi. Read up on post-partition history for the explanation to that one.

But yeah, I seriously hope that some mafia fckin dumps plutonium into Sonia and Arjun Singh...
Anish said:
^ Well the J&K issue is *ONLY* because of Rajiv Gandhi. Read up on post-partition history for the explanation to that one.

But yeah, I seriously hope that some mafia fckin dumps plutonium into Sonia and Arjun Singh...

I agree with the second point.... 1000%.

But I dont get the first point.... I thought all along that it was Nehru who is to be blamed.
ryno that stuff wont happen..sonia aunty wont let that happen......there is a simple logic.....

if that happens

our politicans money in swiss bank will be of no worth...so rbi will take action for that to remain intact
magnet said:
ryno that stuff wont happen..sonia aunty wont let that happen......there is a simple logic.....

if that happens

our politicans money in swiss bank will be of no worth...so rbi will take action for that to remain intact

Nice humor...but sonia aunty doesnt have to do that... Its an unreal scenario...

Cut Sonia aunty sm slak :P
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