Linux 10 reasons why Ubuntu is a big failure in India

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While *buntu and other linux distros are quite popular amongst TEites (or is it TEers), the hoi polloi haven't exactly embraced Linux.

I found this while googling for some stuff and I must say, the author does seem to make some valid points. Of particular interest is point #3, the art of refreshing the screen in Windows. I remember I used to do that back in school for no apparent reason but it just seems so naive right now.

10 Reasons why Ubuntu is a BIG Failure in India | AgniPulse.Com

I know pretty much all his points of contention can be refuted with simple tasks or changes in any linux distro, the blogpost is probably worth a read.

Anyone want to comment on this?
Yup, even my cousin and his dad asked me to uninstall Ubuntu even after I'd shown them around and customized it a bit to make it look better and they were able to do everything (browse, documents, multimedia) on it using Firefox, OpenOffice, VLC etc, even though they very regularly get viruses and Windows screws up (or they do something wrong) once in a while requiring a reinstall.

I think it's a bit of laziness, lack of will power and mental resistance to change... they want to stick with the familiar UI and procedure of doing things.

So what if you can't "refresh the desktop", its up to me to stop that OCD behaviour and get with the programme :)

Instead of point 3 (refresh desktop) I can understand point 9 (silverlight/moonlight) where users are forced to stick with Windows for such scenarios like gaming etc...
I see it more like a rant. People should realize that Ubuntu is not replacement for XP/Vista and should not follow same UI labels and design. Sure it lacks in many areas still ( moonlight for one ) .
:rofl: .. I believe that author is a weak windows user.. Either he is dumb or he don't know how to use computers. Cause by his post [I don't read it ] just read the titles, I came to conclusion i.e. he don't know that all the points mentioned can be modified very eaasily with simple GUI even simple than you can do in windows...

1. I agree .. Alternatives GFX Gurb.. Mandriva, openSUSE use it ...

2. What did he meant ... It can be done from Log In manager .. Present in Mandriva, SUSE and Fedora..

3. :rofl: This thing cracked me up :P BTW there is refresh option in KDE 4.x...

4. Can be changed very easily..

5. Ohh.. Blame Ubuntu for this but artwork in 9.04 I mean the wallpaper is decent. Mandriva has the best artwork in Linux distro ...

6. Disable Pulse Audio.. This feature has been rectified in 9.04 I believe..

7. VLC, Smplayer , MplauerUI , Xine .. .I don't know how better WMP is compared to totem.. Atleast totem has automater codec installer and can play any file when codec is installed which is not the case with WMP..

8 . Eh ? Its available in KDE...

9. Never used..

10.. I plug it out directly :p BTW unmount is decent enough for users ...

Still I think that post was utter waste of time :P
I wouldn't call it a rant. Ranters are usually a pretty determined lot, I would call it more of a whine :P
my bro too find irratating useing ubuntu because his primary conserns is VOiP from yahoo messenger (which is only in native yahoo) . and iTunes (App Store )

Althogh many ppl are not aware of Wine .
i know of a office , wont name it where Ubuntu is the primary OS on "all" systems......and its a good 50-60 PC organisation.....even office suite used is open - office.....when i asked the admin there they said , no problem with licensing + users wouldnt be able to do more than what they are shown to do and work in the word apps, thus wont be able to install any crap on the system.....
he has used wrong Title for this post.

he should have used Why Linux is not popular with Indian youth.

The thing is Ubuntu is so popular that, for some people LINUX=UBUNTU.

That's why he uses Ubuntu in thet title instead of Linux.

And again he using Ubuntu as example because its very popular and easy.

Yeah in our college Labs they use Fedora, so fedora is popular and pwns ubuntu in my campus. But Ubuntu to has its followers.

thetechmind said:
the admin there they said , no problem with licensing + users wouldnt be able to do more than what they are shown to do and work in the word apps, thus wont be able to install any crap on the system.....

Smart guy.
Dark Star said:
:rofl: .. I believe that author is a weak windows user.. Either he is dumb or he don't know how to use computers. Cause by his post [I don't read it ] just read the titles, I came to conclusion i.e. he don't know that all the points mentioned can be modified very eaasily with simple GUI even simple than you can do in windows...

1. I agree .. Alternatives GFX Gurb.. Mandriva, openSUSE use it ...
2. What did he meant ... It can be done from Log In manager .. Present in Mandriva, SUSE and Fedora..
3. :rofl: This thing cracked me up :P BTW there is refresh option in KDE 4.x...
4. Can be changed very easily..
5. Ohh.. Blame Ubuntu for this but artwork in 9.04 I mean the wallpaper is decent. Mandriva has the best artwork in Linux distro ...
6. Disable Pulse Audio.. This feature has been rectified in 9.04 I believe..
7. VLC, Smplayer , MplauerUI , Xine .. .I don't know how better WMP is compared to totem.. Atleast totem has automater codec installer and can play any file when codec is installed which is not the case with WMP..
8 . Eh ? Its available in KDE...
9. Never used..
10.. I plug it out directly :p BTW unmount is decent enough for users ...

Still I think that post was utter waste of time :P

Dark Star said:
:rofl: .. I believe that author is a weak windows user.. Either he is dumb or he don't know how to use computers. Cause by his post [I don't read it ] just read the titles, I came to conclusion i.e. he don't know that all the points mentioned can be modified very eaasily with simple GUI even simple than you can do in windows...

1. I agree .. Alternatives GFX Gurb.. Mandriva, openSUSE use it ...

2. What did he meant ... It can be done from Log In manager .. Present in Mandriva, SUSE and Fedora..

3. :rofl: This thing cracked me up :P BTW there is refresh option in KDE 4.x...

4. Can be changed very easily..

5. Ohh.. Blame Ubuntu for this but artwork in 9.04 I mean the wallpaper is decent. Mandriva has the best artwork in Linux distro ...

6. Disable Pulse Audio.. This feature has been rectified in 9.04 I believe..

7. VLC, Smplayer , MplauerUI , Xine .. .I don't know how better WMP is compared to totem.. Atleast totem has automater codec installer and can play any file when codec is installed which is not the case with WMP..

8 . Eh ? Its available in KDE...

9. Never used..

10.. I plug it out directly :p BTW unmount is decent enough for users ...

Still I think that post was utter waste of time :P

Darky ftw :clap: Very good answers :)

I fall in love of linux when I used it first.. :P

PS - is gforce really banned or the custome title says that?
LOL, first of all that guy talks about his inability to get his friends to adopt Linux as if he is a virus who is frustrated because he he could spread a disease (Ubantu Linux). :P

Secondly, all of his points are partly/fully invalid except for the last and that's noway specific to India or even Linux but applicable to all newbies and for most nix OS including Mac OS. The third one is the most ridiculous. I have used various operating systems including all versions of Windows ever starting with Win 3.x in the past 17 years and I never have had to do something like that. I don't see what he is talking about people refreshing their desktop every time they boot.

There are numerous other reasons for low acceptance of Linux even among the tech community.

Thirdly the things Dark Star posted to refute that's guy's statements is in itself one reason for the low acceptance. i.e the stuff a typical newbie has to go through for even the small things.
@blr_p : I just posted it because many of the newbies are carried away by similar blog post and post like those confuse people and make them think how bad linux is ...

Well yes Linux is not accepted at Desktop atm in the same scale as of Windows.. but I believe there are few reason of course..

1. Adverts.

2. Maybe a little confusing .. Well not in sense of UI but when a user make a transition he get baffled by application name.. Thats what make things a lil harder.. A Start UP Video or a WinXp like tour would be awesome for making it easy..

3. Lack of pro. apps.. Until and unless Photoshop and other pro. apps wont be available for Linux , it will not be accepted and used as a primary OS by many people..But I think what is delaying adobe for this :S Its a QT product and porting shouldn't be that harder ?

4. And thirdly I blame schools for it.. The whole curriculum is Windows based, teachers are so dumb they don't look beyond Turbo C and Windows.. They can't even work in Openoffice.. :S Well atleast an Operating System chapter should be there.. All the grasp in MS office and Windows :|

Anyways carry on. :P I really don't see a reason for trying Linux :P
^ Also, peoples are using Windows only since the Computer is introduced in India.. Take example of myself. I had Windows 95 when I got my first PC about 12 years back.. Then I shifted to Windows 98... after Windows 98.. I got hands on Windows Me and then Windows XP.. I never knew how Linux look like or how to use it.. All the Linux Developers should start advertising on some Linux features...

I wont blame the developers, as most of linux are Free of Cost so it's not great way of earning profits, though they work hard.. :(
The guy who created that blog obviously writes well...however to say "failure" you have to have a data and should define "failure". Till this date there is no data on number of Ubuntu deployments in India. So let us take that blog with a pinch of cow dung...Indians are as smart as or as dumb as the rest of the world when it comes to computer usage. Humans as such are the slaves of habit. Still I see every second user using IE6...and you cant help that...

BTW blogger was right on point 3 ;)
You don't have any idea how many firms running open sourrce in India.. For e.g all the firms [gov] in Kerala running Linux including electricity , water and all..

Using Linux is not a big deal .. Well posting such crap w/o knowing the fact is dumb....Don't know how good the writer is but surely he has no knowledge abt Linux and he shouldn't have bothered writing that crap before getting the fatcs right ..
Dude your thread might be soon "closed" by linux-loving mods for "trolling"...that was wat happened once before when many windows lovers were against a user(prashant i think), for he was using very abusive language against windows...
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