Linux 10 reasons why Ubuntu is a big failure in India

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i installed ubuntu least week. ive used it a couple of times. it has all the basic stuff installed. but to get the real hang of things, it does require some patience. just giving a frank opinion.
Ridiculing is so easy, aint it??? So let me ridicule your ridicule of the article, :p, I am no Linux/Ubuntu/Or the zillions of different Linux Packages hater, and I havent even read the article yet but to debunk the author you had to take features from what like 10 different packages/versions. You expect a non-techie or even a techie on windows to try all these Linux packages/versions to know which will suit him best????

Sorry I aint gonna do that, so till the time there is a Linux package/distribution that is hailed as the next best thing invented after wheel I am gonna be ranting on my Windows machine with all its glory and viruses....
Dark Star said:
:rofl: .. I believe that author is a weak windows user.. Either he is dumb or he don't know how to use computers. Cause by his post [I don't read it ] just read the titles, I came to conclusion i.e. he don't know that all the points mentioned can be modified very eaasily with simple GUI even simple than you can do in windows...

1. I agree .. Alternatives GFX Gurb.. Mandriva, openSUSE use it ...
2. What did he meant ... It can be done from Log In manager .. Present in Mandriva, SUSE and Fedora..
3. :rofl: This thing cracked me up :P BTW there is refresh option in KDE 4.x...
4. Can be changed very easily..
5. Ohh.. Blame Ubuntu for this but artwork in 9.04 I mean the wallpaper is decent. Mandriva has the best artwork in Linux distro ...
6. Disable Pulse Audio.. This feature has been rectified in 9.04 I believe..
7. VLC, Smplayer , MplauerUI , Xine .. .I don't know how better WMP is compared to totem.. Atleast totem has automater codec installer and can play any file when codec is installed which is not the case with WMP..
8 . Eh ? Its available in KDE...
9. Never used..
10.. I plug it out directly :p BTW unmount is decent enough for users ...

Still I think that post was utter waste of time :P
^^Now where is package mentioned in the whole thread ? ....

Also you don't have to know what deb or rpm is .. There is a add/remove which list all the application you need.. Search video and video player options will appear as result click and apply .. Now I don't think windows user can't do that ?

Apart from that read his post for once.. Use Ubuntu and before going final conclusion see the Menus and you will find his post ridiculous..

Edit : The blog post was made like this.. Mom I got the live CD see how good is it ! o it free... Ok he popped the cd and the desktop appears ..Good gwad what is it // Mom throw it in the dustbin .. Man what was that and created the post.. I believe he hasn't even used the desktop even for 1hrs :P

Cause all the points mentioned was Bs ..
Rahulrulez said:
^ Also, peoples are using Windows only since the Computer is introduced in India.. Take example of myself. I had Windows 95 when I got my first PC about 12 years back.. Then I shifted to Windows 98... after Windows 98.. I got hands on Windows Me and then Windows XP.. I never knew how Linux look like or how to use it.. All the Linux Developers should start advertising on some Linux features...

I wont blame the developers, as most of linux are Free of Cost so it's not great way of earning profits, though they work hard.. :(

Its not like people got into the into the habit of using windows and could not move to Linux or that Linux needs advertising.

There were many early adopters for Linux, I for one started using Linux in 1997. The college where I did my B.Tech had students use Unix as the primary OS for their programming work right from the first year. I used Unix at college and Linux (along with Windows) at home. Even the place where I did my M.Tech has All the machines loaded with Linux. Most of my first semester AI Programming was done in C++ under Linux. At one time, I had about 6 different OS running on my machine out of which 3 were Linux distributions.

Yet by personal experience I find myself relying on Windows (specifically XP) for serious work rather than Linux. Linux is good for experimentation. It even makes a good server OS when dedicated professionals are hired for maintenance or an enterprise maintenance contract is made with one of the distribution providers, but its not good enough as a dependable desktop OS. Hardware support and reliability of the free distributions is still a problem despite the improvements. As for newbies, its fine as long as the install goes fine and everything is detected and drivers installed. But if a problem crops up, its a real pain to get it resolved. There is a steep learning curve when compared to windows for troubleshooting and there is also too much work involved for even the smallest things.

What Linux needs for success in the desktop market is commercialization. Once its made commercial, dedicated developers would have to take time to work out the kinks and make it more usable for newbies as well as more dependable for serious users without having to rely on forums.

ionicsachin said:
Dude your thread might be soon "closed" by linux-loving mods for "trolling"...that was wat happened once before when many windows lovers were against a user(prashant i think), for he was using very abusive language against windows...

Correction: He was abusive towards the people who do did have the same views as him and every one who uses windows, not just towards the Operating System. :P
unbuntu is great the problem lies with linux itself ..most of the softwares which come in market doesnt run on it .... the basic things like doc n xls are incompatible ... u will hv to think 1000 times to buy any new hardware
ionicsachin said:
Dude your thread might be soon "closed" by linux-loving mods for "trolling"...that was wat happened once before when many windows lovers were against a user(prashant i think), for he was using very abusive language against windows...
Dude, in case YOU didn't get it, that is NOT my blog. I have more important things to do in life than sit around and post some crap about Linux, Windows or OS X.
I don't understand how my thread that refers to comments posted on an entirely different, non-related and dugg (the post has some 18 diggs in all) blog can be constituted as trolling.
If we aren't allowed to discuss news and blog posts, are we supposed to just sit around and chat in the introduction lounge?
anupkumarroy said:
unbuntu is great the problem lies with linux itself ..most of the softwares which come in market doesnt run on it .... the basic things like doc n xls are incompatible ... u will hv to think 1000 times to buy any new hardware

Come again ?

How many Linux you have used or even Ubuntu.. If you haven't don't shoot baseless comments ! :|
Lord Nemesis said:
Correction: He was abusive towards the people who do did have the same views as him and every one who uses windows, not just towards the Operating System. :P

He kind of used a large number of terms like "Windows LUsers" and stuff...
Have a look for more abuses

gforce said:
Dude, in case YOU didn't get it, that is NOT my blog. I have more important things to do in life than sit around and post some crap about Linux, Windows or OS X.
I don't understand how my thread that refers to comments posted on an entirely different, non-related and dugg (the post has some 18 diggs in all) blog can be constituted as trolling.
If we aren't allowed to discuss news and blog posts, are we supposed to just sit around and chat in the introduction lounge?

Dude no issues with your thread....but have a look at this...we were just having a healthy discussion and it was closed for "trolling"
I thought our mod, Darkstar, gave the OP a good response, but after going through all the following posts I have decided to break my silence.

The title is intriguing, "10 reasons why Ubuntu is a big failure in India", what data have they used to come to that conclusion?

The only issue with linux penetration today is awareness and willingness to learn something new, especially when people are so comfortable with pirated windows and other software. Getting people to try linux, let alone move to it is a Herculean task I must say, but not impossible.

I am in the process of writing a new tutorial on dual booting Windows 7 RC and Ubuntu 9.04. It will be out soon, hopefully in a week. I have finished taking all the screenshots, just working on the text. And I am going to go beyond just installation this time round with further tutorials on using Ubuntu productively.

Let's see how it goes.

The Future Is Open
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Dark Star said:
3. Lack of pro. apps.. Until and unless Photoshop and other pro. apps wont be available for Linux , it will not be accepted and used as a primary OS by many people..But I think what is delaying adobe for this :S Its a QT product and porting shouldn't be that harder ?

Well the first question would be is it worth it ?

If the majority of your clinetele don't need it why spend millions to do it.
nucleuskore said:
I thought our mod, Darkstar, gave the OP a good response, but after going through all the following posts I have decided to break my silence.

The title is intriguing, "10 reasons why Ubuntu is a big failure in India", what data have they used to come to that conclusion?

The only issue with linux penetration today is awareness and willingness to learn something new, especially when people are so comfortable with pirated windows and other software. Getting people to try linux, let alone move to it is a Herculean task I must say, but not impossible.

I am in the process of writing a new tutorial on dual booting Windows 7 RC and Ubuntu 9.04. It will be out soon, hopefully in a week. I have finished taking all the screenshots, just working on the text. And I am going to go beyond just installation this time round with further tutorials on using Ubuntu productively.

Let's see how it goes.

The Future Is Open
If you are so pro Linux and pro open source, why waste time on a dual boot machine loaded with closed source Windows7? Why not just write a tutorial on increasing productivity and optimizing Ubuntu - full stop?
blr_p said:
Well the first question would be is it worth it ?

If the majority of your clinetele don't need it why spend millions to do it.

Exactly... In fact I would say even developing for Mac OS X is a waste of resources considering the small market the platform has and the amount of trouble it is compared to development for windows. At one time, Mac's were a better platform for DTP apps, but these days windows is just as good and in many cases better.
Oh no, this thread is going to turn into a full out 3-way war between Linux, Mac and Windows fans :D

I'm with the Linux army (and backup for Windows army)... you?

I can see the mushroom clouds already.... FIGHT!
Who says, You cannot change Peoples Mind??

I was fed up with almost weekly Windows Re-installation at home PC, so I Installed OpenSUSE 11.0 with KDE 3.5 my home machine and Now i am listening Praises about Linux by my DAD, Who usually used to say This Computer is slow(Even after a Fresh Install). All Requirements for Home PC work with the Linux Firefox,OpenOffice,VLC,Amarok... Wow, Linux Rocks...

You can check My Blog about Mission Linux
I'm not in any army, i find the polytheistic approach works best depending on what job is to be done.
OS Army?? I am Not joining any.... :P

Cos I use Linux at Home Machine,

Windows with my Workstation,

Mac OS at my Office..... :)

I just love the way the OS's are, You choose OS which serves your purpose better... :)
gforce said:
If you are so pro Linux and pro open source, why waste time on a dual boot machine loaded with closed source Windows7? Why not just write a tutorial on increasing productivity and optimizing Ubuntu - full stop?

What an interesting thread to get tangled in!

Writing a tut on dual booting and being an advocate of OSS are two different things. Let us not get confused!!!
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