31-40k 1080p 60fp gaming only PC for pre-2018 titles

Important Note
  • This will be a temporary gaming only PC. I already have a primary device (M1 macbook) for college, working, etc. and need a PC solely for gaming nothing else and that too for pre-2018 games. This is why I really don't care if the CPU is very good as long as it doesn't bottleneck the GPU's gaming performance. Also, I'm looking for all second hand components ideally (CPU, GPU at least) so please adjust the advice according to that. As I'll be replacing the GPU, CPU in about 1 year, I don't care about the longetivity of the components, I just care about good gaming performance in the games mentioned below for the next 1 year (Can't emphasize this enough).

  1. What is your budget?
    • 30-40K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - None
    • Motherboard - None
    • GPU - None
    • RAM - None
    • Monitor - lenovo q24i-1l
    • PSU - None
    • Case - None
    • SSD - Have an old laptop SSD, doubt its compatible
    • Peripherals - Available
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - lenovo q24i-1l
    • Peripherals
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Ryzen 5 XXXX
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard, don't care about compatiblity with modern GPUs
    • GPU - Clueless
    • PSU - Clueless, ideally cheap and not prioritizing longevity
    • Case - Clueless, ideally cheap, don't care about looks, its just a box to me
    • RAM - 16 gigs, at least DDR4 3000MHz
    • SSD - 512 GB
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, will upgrade the following within 12 months:
      • CPU
      • Motherboard
      • GPU
      • RAM
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Delhi
    • Fine with online
  7. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming only, nothing else
  8. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • I like everything :)
  9. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - Age of Empires 2 DE
    • Open world - Modded Skyrim (4k textures), Witcher 3, No man's sky, GTA 5, Rust, Fallout 4, RDR2 (optional)
    • FPS - Metro exodus, Call of Duty (any, pre 2018),
  10. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1920x1080
  11. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  12. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 10 or 11
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GPU - RX 570 or 580
PSU - Would not suggest to skim out with no-name chinese brands, get a decent one from here - https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/

Just a question, are there any games you want to play which are PC exclusive? I would recommend a used Xbox series S + gamepass. It might work out slightly cheaper and no hassle to build it. With Xbox One X / One S it will be even cheaper if you just want 1080p experience.
GPU - RX 570 or 580
PSU - Would not suggest to skim out with no-name chinese brands, get a decent one from here - https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/

Just a question, are there any games you want to play which are PC exclusive? I would recommend a used Xbox series S + gamepass. It might work out slightly cheaper and no hassle to build it. With Xbox One X / One S it will be even cheaper if you just want 1080p experience.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into the GPUs you mentioned (though I'd really appreciate it if you could quote me an estimate for 2nd hand). About your following question, I have never really been into console gaming so I'd want to avoid that. Plus I might run into some issues with modding Skyrim which is the main game I'm looking forward to playing (probably evident from my name) plus I've built up quite a steam library and I'd preferrably want to play all those games on Steam.

You can also switch to an used RX 6600 which you can find for 12k.
Nonetheless, this build will let you play games at 1080p medium to high settings, even the latest games.
Thanks for the build you just sent, seems like some real good value for money. I'm assuming that's all first hand, right? I'm definitely open to second hand components (in fact I prefer second hand due to the nature of my build). About the GPU, I feel like the RX 6600 might be a bit too overkill for the games I'm looking to play. RX 580 seems like a good choice even though its probably also slightly more powerful than I'd ideally want right now (Again, 1080p60fps pre 2018 games but mostly pre 2016). I'll be getting a better GPU in 1 year anyways so I wouldn't want to waste a good card like the RX 6600 or even RX 580 tbh. Also, thanks for the build list again.
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You can also switch to a used RX 6600 which you can find for 12k.
Nonetheless, this build will let you play games at 1080p medium settings, even the latest games.
If going for new, 5600xt is much better value for slightly under 14k. Its 10-15% slower than 6600 and 60-70% faster than 580.

There was also a 1660 super for 7k recently sold here and it had two units so 1 still might be available.
Probably was used for mining as he was selling many super and 1 ti. for 7k-8k.

For a preowned build you would have to check the market to see whats available. Ideally for your needs you can look at an i5 8400/9400 or r5 2600/3600 build. A complete pc sans gpu may cost around 20-25k. For the gpu you can pick up a 1660ti/super for 8-10k depending on the condition of the card.

If ONLY 2016 era games is what you are looking at or you just want some sasti masti then you can look for older builds. https://scigwl.com/ has i5 4th gen builds at around 9k, 6th gen builds at around 12k etc.

Also check olx, fb marketplace or local sellers to see if someone is selling an entire build. Prefer an entire build compared to buying individual components so you can negotiate it down a bit.

But tbh you would be better off with a new build (not counting the gpu) the price difference wont be much and you will get better resale value. You can get a 10100f/12100f or 4500/5500 new build for around 25k. Slap a 10k gpu on it and call it a day.
It's always better to go a little over what you want, if you can afford. Your requirements tend to change once you start using the PC. If your budget doesn't permit, then go for the most VFM build, but if it does, then consider getting a used RX6600 or RTX3060.

Also, not all pre-2018 games are easy on the GPU. Even at 1080p 60p, Witcher 3 managed to make good use of my GPU and that game is from 2015.
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It's always better to go a little over what you want, if you can afford. Your requirements tend to change once you start using the PC. If you're budget doesn't permit, then go for the most VFM build, but if it does, then consider getting a used RX6600 or RTX3060.

Also, not all pre-2018 games are easy on the GPU. Even at 1080p 60p, Witcher 3 managed to make good use of my GPU and that game is from 2015.
Agreed. Games like RDR2 (2018) will massacre your GPU when cranked up.

at 1440p, my 3080 can drop to the 60s in RDR2 with every setting maxed out (except MSAA).
For a preowned build you would have to check the market to see whats available. Ideally for your needs you can look at an i5 8400/9400 or r5 2600/3600 build. A complete pc sans gpu may cost around 20-25k. For the gpu you can pick up a 1660ti/super for 8-10k depending on the condition of the card.

If ONLY 2016 era games is what you are looking at or you just want some sasti masti then you can look for older builds. https://scigwl.com/ has i5 4th gen builds at around 9k, 6th gen builds at around 12k etc.

Also check olx, fb marketplace or local sellers to see if someone is selling an entire build. Prefer an entire build compared to buying individual components so you can negotiate it down a bit.

But tbh you would be better off with a new build (not counting the gpu) the price difference wont be much and you will get better resale value. You can get a 10100f/12100f or 4500/5500 new build for around 25k. Slap a 10k gpu on it and call it a day.
Thanks for the link to that website. I checked it out and here are some assembled products which I liked: i5 6th gen, 256 GB SSD and i5 6th gen, 500 GB HHD. The former seems like a better deal cause of the SSD and extra RAM (I would replace the HDD in the second PC anyways but I'm guessing getting the SSD one instead would probably cheaper overall). I am still confused regarding what the actual CPU specs are (K/F/etc.) because I'd prefer an iGPU just in case for testing if it works before getting a GPU. Do let me know if you think I should go for some alternate build as long as it doesn't bottleneck an RX 580. Anyways, thanks a lot for all the help.

If anyone stumbles upon this thread, can you please help me with some second-hand PC dealer options:
  • lebyopc -> I've heard mixed reviews about this place. The prices seem good but again, mixed reviews. I live very close to their store so I'll be able to visit them which is a plus.
  • gameloot.in -> Heard more negative reviews about this place and the prices are relatively higher.
  • scigwl.com -> Recommended by Kubdya above. Haven't heard much about it so I'm curious.
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Thanks for the link to that website. I checked it out and here are some assembled products which I liked: i5 6th gen, 256 GB SSD and i5 6th gen, 500 GB HHD. The former seems like a better deal cause of the SSD and extra RAM (I would replace the HDD in the second PC anyways but I'm guessing getting the SSD one instead would probably cheaper overall). I am still confused regarding what the actual CPU specs are (K/F/etc.) because I'd prefer an iGPU just in case for testing if it works before getting a GPU. Do let me know if you think I should go for some alternate build as long as it doesn't bottleneck an RX 580. Anyways, thanks a lot for all the help.

If anyone stumbles upon this thread, can you please help me with some second-hand PC dealer options:
  • lebyopc -> I've heard mixed reviews about this place. The prices seem good but again, mixed reviews. I live very close to their store so I'll be able to visit them which is a plus.
  • gameloot.in -> Heard more negative reviews about this place and the prices are relatively higher.
  • scigwl.com -> Recommended by Kubdya above. Haven't heard much about it so I'm curi

The site I mentioned was originally mentioned by @rsaeon in one of his threads if I remember correctly. The site has contact info mentioned so call them and tell them exactly what you want. That way theres clear communication.

I would also suggest checking out local postings on olx, fb marketplace and going to local stores to see what they have. Always prefer local pickups on preowned items. Regarding the cpu, I think all older gens came with iGPUs if I'm not mistaken? Only difference being the K series allowed overclocking. Also make sure to check the GPU power consumption and choose the psu accordingly. Basic builds will likely only come with really low end psus.

Most importantly do some reseach and check benchmarks and requirements of the games and mods you want to play. Dont rush into anything. Be absolutely sure with what you are going for considering you are choosing an older build.
  • lebyopc -> I've heard mixed reviews about this place. The prices seem good but again, mixed reviews. I live very close to their store so I'll be able to visit them which is a plus.
  • gameloot.in -> Heard more negative reviews about this place and the prices are relatively higher.
There are threads here with discussions about both of those, might want to check them out if you're considering either of them.