1080P Wallpapers

All wallpapers from InterfaceLift!! Instead of pasting so many here, why not post the source link?

Here it is:

InterfaceLIFT: Wallpaper sorted by Date

And there are 1000's of them.

EDIT: Didn't saw qneb posted about it too.

qneb: Most of them are free and anybody can download them. Some posted here are paid ones (which is illegal, to be precise the wallpapers are pirated).
Awesome Wallpapers & its fitting nicely to my brand new Samsung 20 inch LCD :cool2:

just downloading da wallies linked by a friend of mine & ended up joining it :eek:hyeah:

:clap: xXx u rockzzzz dude :hap2:
Welcome dude ... some of da pics r really just awesome :)

Dont stop da good work :p

Small request :-

It ll be good for us to download if u upload ur next collection in rar files if possible.

Though da pics worth so much dat i can download it separately too :bleh:

I think i hv seen dat name "el33tGam3r" in a COD 4 server :2guns:

am i correct ??? do u play ???