Monitors 1440 x 900 resolution on 20.1" WS LCD

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Bluffmaster said:
Guess What Nemesis Created This Thread to Troubleshoot His Problem and ended up Troubleshooting Mine :P ! Thanx !

Yep :rofl: Anyway I posted my query on Dell Forums (No use calling up techsupport ) as well as WSGF. No replies so far :huh: . Most of those people must have 7950GX2 in SLI or 1950XTX in xfire and they would not have had to set to 1440 x 900. :hap5:
guys guys i dont understant u people 1 bit. you ppl buy widescreen lcds & you are playing the games on 1024 x 768 & 1280 x 1024. for your info its no fun doing that is it. although the game does stretch out it always looks a little bit odd as it is not a widescreen ratio. please head over to wsgf & get the patches/tweaks for the game to play it in widescreen res. it makes a huge difference.

@smith - get the nfs widescreen launcher. its a small app in which u can choose your res & make it widescreen so nfs looks pretty good. you guys can try 1440 x 900 or 1280 x 768 or 1280 x 800 depending on the gfx card.

@lord_nemesis - i am sure your screen will support 1440 x 900 as i too have a 20.1 vs screen & have played on almost all res here including 1440 x 900. depending on the game u are playing just set the res manually in the ini/cfg or get a tweak or patch for it. what game are u trying that u cant play on 1440 x 900 cause i myself havent seen the res 1440 x 900 inside the game on my screen it directly goes from 1280 x 768/800 to 1680 x 1050. but the 1440 res does work for me as i have set it manually in some games to check.
Yup... the dell supports 1440x900. Atleast my 2005 on ATI does. I run oblivion at that resolution since it works without a hitch with 4xAA/8x angle independent AF. Any higher and it becomes really slow :P. 1680x1050 @75Hz is also possible though out of spec. Refresh rate means jack for lcds anyway :P.
I've seen in Prey, Titan Quest and Call of Jurarez. In all three the 1440 x 900 resolution is not available. Let me see if setting the resolution manually will do the trick. The nVidia control panel dosnt even allow me to add this as a custom resolution.
get coolbits for nvidia control panel. u can add custom res & override refresh rates in it & also overclock. its a registry entry that enables all these options in nvidia cp. its there on guru3d
Either that or just find hacks to run games in widescreen mode... I've been able to run Quake 2/3/4, Painkiller, Doom 3/RoE, Max Payne 1/2, SoF2 and AOM in widescreen mode - it's pointless gaming at regular aspect ratios when you have a widescreen :S
RiO said:
Either that or just find hacks to run games in widescreen mode... I've been able to run Quake 2/3/4, Painkiller, Doom 3/RoE, Max Payne 1/2, SoF2 and AOM in widescreen mode - it's pointless gaming at regular aspect ratios when you have a widescreen :S

exactly. pointless i say
stormblast said:
get coolbits for nvidia control panel. u can add custom res & override refresh rates in it & also overclock. its a registry entry that enables all these options in nvidia cp. its there on guru3d

Yep, I already have coolbits. Anyway the custom resolutions part does not require coolbits. But when I try to add a new resolutiom, It just says that it cannot add this custom resolution.
Bluffmaster said:
I am sorry for Hijacking This Thread , But I Have this small Noobish Question that I wud Like to ask. Actually I am soon Planning an Upgrade to the new samsung 940bw 19' Wide screen LCD , Just wanna Confirm whether I wud be able to Run all the games on Widescreen @ 1280 x 1024 or 1024 x 768 Resolution ? Plz Reply ! :)

See you can run games at that res, and they'll look ok, a touch stretched.... What gets totally fukked up is the wallpaper, and I love high res wallpapers... but the 1280x1024 ones look like sh1t :@

Note that you won't like the look on fps games, while rts and rpg games will hardly make a difference
vandal said:
See you can run games at that res, and they'll look ok, a touch stretched.... What gets totally fukked up is the wallpaper, and I love high res wallpapers... but the 1280x1024 ones look like sh1t :@

Note that you won't like the look on fps games, while rts and rpg games will hardly make a difference

on the contrary, It was the otherway around for me.:) Rise of Legends and Titan Quest look crap when stretched while HL2 and Call of Jurarez were a bit Ok.

As for regular desktop, anything other than Native res looks like crap. Anyway no will need to set anything lower than native for desktop as even a fx5200 or a mx4000 can handle those resolutions without sweating.
TFT's are getting better at displaying non-native res content, but there's still a lot of work to be done.

Pull down works fine, but stretching anything looks a mess.
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