15,000 Layer Photoshop picture

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I see a lot of ppl don't appreciate this. Why don't you take a look at world record books and see how many records were about practicality :p
clears throat

did anyone bother to read the artist's bio, reads like he's a busy person, why else would it take 11 months.

A pic like this is a calling card. It adds to his portfolio, it creates a buzz.

He might even get paid for it (in future work).
vij said:
exactly y do so much wrk when u can make an equally good 3d render with much less time

Cos he's an artist not a 3d modeller :P. Cos he wants his stuff to be pixel perfect. Simply put... he's striving for photorealism which no 3d scanline renderer can achieve. Hell even ray tracing or absolutely general global illumination techniques are still no way close to what exists in real life. Scanline renderers like 3dsmax or maya are okay for prototyping but definitely not for art.
Wah ... great art man .. look at the details. its amazing about the person who can visualize all before it come out from his tablet or pen !

About wasting time .. dont you have to worry .. he must have earned enough before he start for this image !
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