the thing is you have to stick to one particular dealer if you want good rates. if you go around enquiring in every other shop then your regular dealer is bound to know about it and will let it show in the next quote

. earlier me and darky used to buy stuff regularly from dcc and sujata, and afaik these two guys along with baba and poonam/radhika are the only 'real' dealers as such in pune (iirc dcc has one of the largest turnover for a disti in india, almost 200 crores). no one can come close to the rates they offer (atleast in pune).the other ppl like compuciti/karan/mahi etc are nothing but glorified resellers

all they do is buy stuff locally and sell over the counter adding their margins. but theres no denying the fact that dcc and sujata loot end users :no: if you know someone personally at either place then you can get good rates as hacker said. i do have a account at both dcc and sujata but i prefer to get my stuff from ami and xpert (on jm road near smokin joes) as i get it home delivered