2* Win 8 keys for 900 bucks from Dreamspark

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The media center trick? Wouldn't that trick stop after 31st Jan?
Last 3 years I have not used Windows activation servers for all my genuine Win 7 keys and Win 8 also recently . Use Advanced token Manager . They will stop giving keys after 31 Jan
Guys now when MS is giving free WMC keys I dont even see the reason to buy keys . Just get the keys and enjoy . WMC DVD iso is already available . Already took as many keys as my 2 gmail addresses could get with the dot trick

so that wmc key works for fullwmc win8? its not just an addon?
so that wmc key works for fullwmc win8? its not just an addon?
Yes it a different edition altogether , so you are wasting Win 8 pro key than using WMC key . WMC slipstreamed iso can be activated with WMC key on internet . No need of Win 8 pro key first
Did this only
Yes it a different edition altogether , so you are wasting Win 8 pro key than using WMC key . WMC slipstreamed iso can be activated with WMC key on internet . No need of Win 8 pro key first
Did this only

FOR some reason , tried with different emails but did not receive keys. How long did it take ?

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Yes it a different edition altogether , so you are wasting Win 8 pro key than using WMC key . WMC slipstreamed iso can be activated with WMC key on internet . No need of Win 8 pro key first
Did this only

FOR some reason , tried with different emails but did not receive keys. How long did it take ?
I am not able to download Windows 8 32 Bit French / Dutch / Chinese.

It says product currently not available :( any help guys ? @kuduku ?
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I am not able to download Windows 8 32 Bit French / Dutch / Chinese.

It says product currently not available :( any help guys ? kuduku ?
Removed from dreamspark . Win 8 has been removed from US dreamspark but still is present in our Indian dreamspark . They were not Indian links . English language what you see in your dreamspark are the correct links .
Soon it will go from Indian dreamspark also
kuduku, is this what u r talking about?
yes , take as many as you want , MS is giving free and WMC iso is available so no need of Win 8 pro

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So there is no way to get French / Dutch / Extra key of 32Bit Windows 8 ?
gone with the wind

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29 Hours have passed . Will wait for another day .
It sometimes took me 60 hours

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Can any 1 sell me a win 8 key?
At least read this complete page , no need of buying when MS is giving it free
So WMC is just like Win 8 Pro ??

Also using WMC key can we install Win 8 Pro ?

Not pro , there is a WMC edition of win8 , you will have to find the iso on your own , the key is for wmc version not win8 pro , wmc version should same as pro
I think it's for students only? Correct me if I m wrong.
Please go and read that MS page , It for everyone in world who wants a WMC key . Just enter an email address and they will send you a WMC key
Dreamspark is for students and Win 8 has been removed from US dreamspark

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So WMC is just like Win 8 Pro ??

Also using WMC key can we install Win 8 Pro ?
The only difference between WMC and Pro edition is WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER . Thats all , Thats why its called WMC edition . If you dont want media center keep on using Pro key
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