2* Win 8 keys for 900 bucks from Dreamspark

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Another win8 key is now available the combined 32/64 bit one & also possibly another win 7 key 32/64 combined

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Confirmed for win 7 too - If you had earlier ordered the "debug" build of win7 you can get the combined 32/64 key , if you ordered the regular version you can get another "debug" key.
Seems interest has died down on this thread . People are overtly happy with 4* Win 8 and win 7 keys . Even when i read in SD 2 days back about the extra key didnt bother to check .
So to make it live again people we have another set of keys .
Debug is not for normal users , its for testing drivers

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if anyone wants to buy my extra win7/8 keys , pm
Someone point me to Win7 ISOs that will actually work with the keys. The Windows 7 Professional x64 ISO from http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/28517-Windows-7-w-o-SP1-and-SP1-Media-Refresh-Direct-Download-Links doesnt seem to work.
i had bought the Subscription when MS was giving two windows 8 keys . I cannot get another win 8 Key . I get an error .

Still a good deal
can i use the debug copy key with normal version of windows 8?
Yes you can. Same with Win7 (Verified)

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Not able to download the extra win8 and win 7 keys from the below first page latest link.

You can download on extra Win 8 And Win 7 keys
Updated 03 Jan 13 Added one additional Win 8 and Win 7 pro links . Thanks to

If possible pls give the updated link.


Conclusion that I have drawn :
One extra Win8 (32/64bit) and one extra Win7 (32bit Debug) for those who created their account when 4xWin8 keys were available (Total = 5xWin8 + 3xWin7)
And only one extra Win7 (32bit Debug) for those who created their account when 2 nos. Win8 keys were available (Total = 2xWin8 + 3xWin7).
Not able to download the extra win8 and win 7 keys from the below first page latest link.

You can download on extra Win 8 And Win 7 keys
Updated 03 Jan 13 Added one additional Win 8 and Win 7 pro links . Thanks to

If possible pls give the updated link.

Go to the link and add the Win 8 links to buy . Whichever goes through is your key . Read @gmonline reply . Its difficult to know when you created your account . So best is check it out yourself
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