23 days old Sapphire 5850 | Phenom x4 965BE

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I am ready to buy in case you are willing to negotiate a little :p this way you will get payment sooner and i will get the card sooner :p

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Ygpm !!!!! :p
Damn, I was looking for a cheap card just to play Starcraft 2. But this deal is tempting, although I would be pairing it up on an X2 4000, will track this thread incase I am unable to procure a 4850, will grab this up :)
Aces170 said:
Damn, I was looking for a cheap card just to play Starcraft 2. But this deal is tempting, although I would be pairing it up on an X2 4000, will track this thread incase I am unable to procure a 4850, will grab this up :)
turns out ur not very lucky
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