Monitors 24 inch Good Color Accurate Monitor - NON-Gaming, VESA Compatible

Looking for a good 24 inch monitor. I wanted a 2k 24 inch , but either there is nothing less than 15k or there is only very few monitors. One being viewsonic and another is samsung. If there is a good 2k monitor within this price i would get , or want a good 1080p Monitor.

I am not into high refresh rate monitor. Main purpose is office + photo editing (very rarely). Need a good one (aesthetically pleasing too)

Budget is around 10k-14k
just yesterday ordered BenQ GW2490 24
already own a GW2480 , so ordered the newer version.
yes 24inch 2k is very tiresome to search for.. only very few on my budget. viewsonic does come.. but stocks are rare and there are reviews which says about lgiht bleed. also its pretty old model now.