CPU/Mobo 2nd hand Processor Recommendations

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Grease Monk

Intertoob Ninja & Hamster Hunter Extraordinaire
Just found out that my old nforce 1 (asus a7n266-vm) mobo has been repaired...and all my dreams of jumping onto the 64bit band wagon have been shattered. :S So now in a pathetic final attempt to seek retribution for my shiny new 6600gt...im going to have to do some upgradign out of my own shallow pockets.

I have managed to get funds to upgrade my ram to 1 gb. And am now confused what to do about the processor.

As of now i got a palmino based 2000+, and was first of all wondering how much of a difference would there be if i upgraded to a 2600+ or 2800+.

Secondly, all i can afford would be a second hand processor. And was wondering if it would be better to get a barton or a sempron. What is the market condition on second hand processors? Usually what price range do they sell it in (in % of the price of a new piece).

I realized that my questions may seem a little vague, but any help will be appreciated.
Just try to get your hands on a XP 2500+ Barton... I am sure few would soon be up for sale on TE...

Switch posted 1.08 minutes later:

And how much difference will basically matter with the mobo+ proccy combo not the proccy alone... If you can try to upgrade to a Barton + NF2 Ultra...
you an always screw ur repaired mobo again and go for a new rig or sell ur mobo and get a new rig :P

nevertheless, think 2500+ barton wud be ur best bet...
even a barton 2500+ will NOT make that much of a difference on NF1.. NF1 runs at 266FSB unless u wanna do some extreme mods to get it to run at 333FSSB which is the speed the bartons and semprons run..

I wud suggest u save up some more money then try to sellf ur NF1/2000+ combo and upgrade to a better CPU/mobo combo instead.. coz, upgrading ur CPU along will not make a difference on ur board..
The nf1 will probably not recognize the barton anyway as it can't handle 333mhz.On the a7n266 this could mean a 'no-boot' scenario.Ur best bet:the XP 2600+ based on T-Bred-B core and 133mhz(266) fsb.May be a hard find coz almost all A-XP/Semprons are 333mhz now.
And a 6600GT will work better with something better than a 4 yr old proccy and mobo....
A palomino based proccy is most certainly not 4 years old, 3 years maybe, they did start the series with 1600+ I believe.
Miracles do happen! turns out the guy didnt fix the mobo as well as he thought he did. My dad just got so sick of the whole thing that he told me to get a new mobo+proccy. So just dumped the old pair for 1k and picked up an asus k8n and a 2800+ and an extra stick of 512mb ram. too bad that the old set runs at 266 mhz.
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