- Expected Price (Rs)
- 1500
- Shipping from
- Andhra Pradesh
- Item Condition
- 4 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Cash
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Mar 1, 2021
- Shipping Charges
- Excluded - at actuals
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- no
- Invoice Available?
- No
- Reason for Sale
- Upgrading
Corsair iCUE SP120 RGB Pro
- Product Name: Corsair iCUE SP120 RGB Pro X 3
- Expected Price: 1500
- Shipping charges : At actuals
- Manufacturer page URL: iCUE SP120 RGB PRO Performance 120mm Fan
- Reason for Sale: ARGB
- Product condition: Mint
- Purchase Date: NA
- Remaining Warranty period: NA
- Warranty available in: NA
- Invoice Available: No