Storage Solutions "300" Outlines HD DVD, Blu-ray Disc Differences

@ snake, PiXeLpUsHeR - How exactly did you guys watch the HD rip on your TV?

I have a dvd player that plays divx and supports hd format, I just burnt the copy I had to data dvd and played on disc player :) Was a bonus, I bought a 42" LG LCD about 4 months ago on sale, and they were giving away (with tv purchase) a free surround sound system with 5 disc dvd player that plays divx discs. I love being able to play divx files. Whenever I just happen to stumble upon a divx movie, I burn it to disc for playback, since so many of these movies that I find are around 700mb, I will usually just burn a few to dvd.

On another note, as one who has a ps3, I really have enjoyed playing BlueRay movies on it. We have a service here called Netflix. You rent 3-4 dvd's at a time (no late fees) and when you are done you mail them back and they send you more from a list you create on the internet. They have a decent BlueRay selection of discs, so I have been very happy with the ps3 purchase, beside just the games.
Eh, yeah paramount changing camps is a blow indeed, but still the 2:1 sales ratio bluray has over hd dvd won't be hurt by this me thinks. Transformers is the only movie that'll boost hd dvd sales.

And, Michael Bay is pissed at Paramount, also confirmed is Paramount sold out for $150m.

Looks like a last ditch effort by hd-dvd camp to me, if this won't work, nothing will. - NY Times Confirms $150M Pay-off to Paramount - Michael Bay Responds to Paramount's Decision: "No Transformers 2 for me!"

And in other obvious news, the next-gen format war has just been prolonged.

Hmmm... Michael Bay will have problems at that rate, because he complained about Paramount going exclusive (not exclusive to HDDVD, just exclusive). And since many of the other studios are also exclusive....

Shrek 3 is also Dreamworks SKG, and that is likely to have some sales.

I don't see anything happening in the format war for another year and a ha;f at least.
Wow... So... I guess blu ray might win the gr8 war of the formats... But still what bout the cost diffrences and what will become of PCs and blu rays???